Saturday, April 30

Internet Marketing Using the Social Media Strategy

Social media implies that you facilitate a two-way discussion, rather than a one-way bombardment of marketing messages. In short, this means that you stay engaged and in a discussion with visitors.

Social Media sites come and go like the wind. It seems like every 5 seconds some entrepreneur is just around the corner with another Digg or knockoff.

Hoping that whatever maneuver they can bring to the table will make them this week’s hot topic or at least clever enough to catch the eye of whomever might have some money and want to absorb some wicked bit of code or an entire social media community.

Social media (or new media) involves a LOT of things, a lot of tech, and could need a lot of resources (not necessarily money). When you say you do social media, and you want to launch a network of some sort, does that mean the entire process is done in-house?

Social media marketing can bring traffic and links to any website. Too often, marketers overlook the value of social media and tend to stick with traditional methods, while the younger generation of webpreneurs has employed social sites as an every-day strategy.

Social media is gowing at a such a rate that domains, websites and blogsites will increase in value due to the increased demand for webspace. The social aspect is driving the net into new territory and expands exponentially because of its viral nature.

Social media – as understood in a Web 2.0 context and has enabled us to play more effectively than was practical previously, on a global field.

Social Media has released us, freed us: and we won’t go back. Social media has been a great resource for both ideas and traffic for my blog. If you work and get noticed in social media and it gets passed around that’s a great way to promote your work.

Social media seek’s (in theory and in word, at least) a different kind of influence: peer review and approval. The medium and the form of discourse that it supports are wide open.

Social Media is a Branding Exercise – while social media sites can send you a lot of traffic very very quickly they can also be excellent places to do branding. Every time a reader or potential reader comes across you on a social media site the more you reinforce your brand.

Social media marketing is actually becoming necessary but it has to be done right. It is about the weight of numbers and it will bring some honesty, ethics and accountability back to doing business.

Social Media is conversational media in all its interactive forms including text, video and spoken words – whether face to face, over the Internet, over the airwaves or via mobile technologies such as iPods and cell phones.

A Social Media Club is intended to be a place where amateurs and professionals can come together to learn from one another, to understand each other and to work together on the things that make meaning in their lives – their personal passions, their professional endeavours and their noble pursuits.

Social Media, doesn’t even really exist as a subset of media. Everything is social now, we just expect it. Social media companies will race to provide metrics that show impressive results, but that’s not necessarily a good thing, especially given the ways measurement may shape investment and in turn shape the evolution of social mediums.

Social media campaign’s go far beyond the traditional agency model of media planning and buying. So do advertisers they actually get into the game and get their campaign’s out there.

Social media is changing the way online businesses advertise because control of the message is shifting to the consumer.

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is a new term that was recently coined by Rohit Bhargava and has since been taking on life of its own. SMO tactics can drive huge amounts of people to a website and can also determine whether a startup, website or idea will make it or not.

Social media will be the optimal place to market especially with a recession. Social networks are a rich source of HIGHLY niche audiences and therefore are highly target-able.

Source by William Potts

Internet Marketing Using the Social Media Strategy

Can Tumblr help my SEO?

If there’s one thing to take away from the younger generations of today, it’s that they are not too fond of befriending parents on Facebook, and they have short attention spans.

How can you market your brand to the millennials in a micro moment when they are slowly veering away from the biggest social media platform around? Tumblr is the answer. With over 130 million blogs bursting the social media seams, Tumblr is the perfect place to improve SEO—especially amongst the younger generations.

What is a Tumblr Anyway?

Tumblr is both a social network and blogging platform. With near-infinite scrolling power, Tumblr users have the option to scroll past uninteresting content until they find a worthwhile post to share online via their own Tumblr blog or through other popular platforms like Facebook and Twitter. 

Tumblrs simplistic and fast-loading design makes it a popular social media alternative for users under the age of twenty-five. It functions like a blog so users can customize their page to fit a specific topic of interest.

Tumblr members can make hashtag searches for practically anything under the sun and can choose to follow relevant Tumblr blogs.  Big brands like Coco-Cola and Vans are utilizing Tumblr for it’s advertising potential, so why should you hop on board the Tumblr train?

DoFollow vs. NoFOllow Links and What It Means for SEO

Big social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest code external links as NoFollow. Tumblr is unique in that all external links are DoFollow. What does that mean? NoFollow links are basically invisible to search engine bots and do not influence your page rank in SERPs. DoFollow links increase website page rank, so if you’re posting a link to a great article on your amazing Tumblr page, you’re going to be sending traffic all the way back to your website! Good news, right?

By effectively using Tumblr, you can link back to your website and increase your chances of rising up in the Google ranks. Make the content interesting and relevant to your brand or business, and you’ll likely gain a few Tumblr followers along the way. Some Tumblr pages have been lucky enough to climb SERPs on their own. This exposure can greatly enhance your websites SEO.

Post Relevant, Interesting Content

With any overlooked and underused social media platform there is a need for engaging content. Facebook is a numbers game, where a vast amount of users can be reached but only a small percentage of those people will actually be interested in what you’re selling.

With Tumblr, you can reach out to a specific market by utilizing search hashtags and keeping your content relevant. Someone who is following your blog about 80s clothes and music isn’t going to keep up with your blog if you’re suddenly posting irrelevant content about the 2016 presidential campaign.

You have to keep things simple, visually engaging, and relevant to sustain SEO potential on Tumblr. Posting just about anything will not cut it on Tumblr. If it doesn’t have to do with your brand or business, keep it off your Tumblr page.

Keep it Visual

Nowadays, you can’t get on any social media website without seeing a meme or a funny GIF. This is especially true on Tumblr. Rather than bulking up your Tumblr page with a bunch of written content (no matter how well-written it might be), it’s much better to keep things visual. 

Since half the Tumblr population is under the age of 25, being able to resonate with the younger generations is essential to your success on this microblogging social media platform. Popular memes like “Not Sure If Fry” or “Condescending Wonka” are always streaming through social media, and coming up with a witty meme yourself will boost your Tumblr credibility and popularity.

Take interesting, aesthetically pleasing photographs that people will want to share, post a hilarious(but relevant) meme, or maybe an interesting and inspirational quote relating to your business. Keeping in mind the DoFollow potential, great visual content can help your page rank well on Google.  

The Takeaway

It will literally take you minutes to set up a Tumblr account, so why not get started right now! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you can start an account, start populating content and over time it will add value to your SEO efforts. Quality SEO takes time and Tumblr can be a valuable long term investment of that time.

When you get your account set up, drop by my new SEO Blog and give it a tumble!

Lastly when you open your Tumblr account keep in mind your goals. If you’re goal is to reinforce your brand then; name, theme and build your posts around your brand. If your goal is to drive keyword related traffic to your website, then; them, name and build your posts around your keyword and creatively link back to your website while offering quality content!

Source by Michael Hodgdon

Can Tumblr help my SEO?

SEO & Social Media Agency in Los Angeles, California

With over 11 years in the business, National Positions is one of the nation’s premier digital marketing agencies, specializing in a wide range of services and technologies that help our clients thrive online. Based in Westlake Village, California, and with offices around the world, National Positions has helped thousands of companies worldwide build their brand, expand their reach, and grow their business through dynamic digital marketing. Since our inception as a seo company los angeles over a decade ago, we’ve been passionate about creating a happy marriage between strategy and solution. That’s why we collaborate with you to build a campaign around what you need to help reach your goals.

At National Positions, we know that superior online marketing isn’t about a one-size fits all approach. That’s why we create custom, comprehensive online marketing campaigns tailored-made to match the needs of each client we bring on board. Our experts work to get to know your business, your budget, and your goals inside and out before we craft the campaign that’s right for you. Then, we bring our marketers, Google Certified analysts, SEO gurus, designers, programmers and writers all together to provide our clients the absolute best strategies, campaigns, and consulting possible.

Reputation Management

Reputation Management in Los Angeles
As much as the Internet can help your business gain exposure and grow, it also provides a huge microphone for customers and even competitors to drown out your once positive reputation with negative feedback online. And with 72% of consumers saying they trust online reviews and complaints as much as personal recommendations, having a affirmative online reputation that accurately reflects your business is essential. What people are saying about your company online matters; if your online reputation isn’t a fair representation of your brand, it can have a major impact on your business in Los Angeles. Once we’ve drowned out negative content, we focus on creating and promoting relevant, quality, and positive content around the web. Our reputation management los angeles specializes in creating quality, search-friendly content in the form business listings, social media profiles, videos, microsites, blogs, press releases and much more.

We use innovative SEO and social media marketing strategies to promote this positive content to the top of the search results so that you have a proactive, positive brand that engages users and wins over new customers. We offer an innovative way to improve your online reviews and build a bridge to your next customer. Our Los Anegels review management system helps you monitor, collect and share customer reviews so you improve your reputation on the review sites that matter most to your business.

Social Media Company

Social Media Company in Los Angeles
Each day, Google’s +1 button is pressed over 5 million times, there are over 1 billion active users on Facebook, over 340 million tweets and LinkedIn continues to host the world’s largest network of professionals online. Your customers in Los Angeles are all using social media to find the products and services they need and to engage with brands they like. These platforms provide you with infinite ways in which to build your brand, keep your business top-of-mind, and engage both loyal and potential customers. Our social media agency los angeles creates dynamic campaigns that connect you with thousands of customers looking for your business. We build your online community, promote your brand, and help you drive real engagement on the platforms that matter most for your business—whether its Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or more.

Social networks give your business what many other sites don’t: the perfect platform for effortlessly engaging leads and customers — helping you keep leads interested, boost customer loyalty, and increase conversion.

We create an integrated social media strategy tailored around your brand, your audience and your specific goals.

Source by National Positions

SEO & Social Media Agency in Los Angeles, California

Business Signs to Invest More in Social Media

It does not matter what kind of business you are in. If your business is online, you should make good use of social media platform to your benefit. The platform has a strategy that works for all kinds of business – big or small. In order to have great understanding of your target audience, it is imperative to invest wisely in social media. It is thus the best way to connect and grow with your target audience. Today, a large number of growing and established businesses are utilizing the social media platform to garner more leads and conversions. One of the best marketing strategies that lead to greater business awareness among the larger audience. Here are few business signs that tell you it is high time you invested more in social media.

  • Taking business social: With majority of your customers online, you should take your business to the social media too. It is a great way to track and participate in conversations about your products, services and brand. Your social media profile will get your clients more interested in your business and keep them engaged. This is the first step in realising that you need to invest in social media presence.

  • Competitors on social media: if your clients and your competitors are on social media, it is where you should be too. Take out time to look at the competitor’s brand website and the interactions and discussions they are receiving. Your competitor’s voice should not be the only one in the field. Get to setting a more strategic strategy and get in the game.

  • Online presence: If your business is online and you garner sales or business from your website, there is no reason why you should not use social media to cross promote your business. Making sure that your website has all the social media icons is a good way to start. Link your website to social media sites so that the customer get to know the latest in the business trend.

  • Brand awareness: Social Media has emerged as a new platform to build your brand awareness and advertise for the business in many ways. Your active business status on social media tends customers to take interest in your business and build trust. Holding discussions, small contests and quizzes etc will keep your customers engaged and let them know you are thinking about them. This way it is easy for the customers to contact you. Social media platform gives a voice to your business by building up a fun personality and connecting with your customers in many ways. This will help your business stand out from the crowd.

  • Start blogging: Blogging is a new and interesting way of increasing traffic to your website. Social media is an exciting way of getting people to know that you have a blog. As blogging is one of the best ways to promote your business, advertising it on social media is one for the effective ways of bringing more people to your website to read the blogs and be engaged with the business.  Each new blog that you come up with can be ‘shouted’ out on the social media to increase awareness. Social media along with high quality content creation is one of the best ways to attract customers to your business and establish authority in your area of business expertise.

  • Client talk: Social media is the best platform to know where you are going wrong and what the customers need from you. It makes your response efficient and effective in the end. If your customers are happy with your business, you get positive reviews on and offline. It is important to answer all the queries posted by your customers in order to look professional. It is crucial for your business to be seen on all trending social media networks that your customers use. A happy customer means a happy business.


To learn more about how you can help you to expand your branding & social media presence, contact Olive Solutions.

Source by ChaitsiPatel

Business Signs to Invest More in Social Media

Will Social Networking Replace The Traditional Marketing Of The Past

As social networking continues to grow and reach mainstream appeal, the future implications of social networking, as a whole, may go deeper.  While of course, social networking is only in its infancy, many are already seeing profound long term benefits of social networking reaching well into the future.  Not only is social networking an excellent platform, for ordinary people to meet and interact all over the world, many are seeing its business implications to be even more far reaching.

Social networking has been able to generate millions in profit and revenue for thousands of forward thinking companies all over the world.  While some are looking at social networking to be only a fad, and merely a sign of the times, others are already seeing its potential impact as profound and far reaching.  Will social networking one day replace human interaction altogether? The answer is most likely, no.  But will social networking affect the way we do business well into the 21st century? The answer is undoubtedly, yes.

While traditional companies may have had to spend thousands, to even millions of dollars every year in complex and expensive marketing campaigns, many modern day entrepreneurs are doing about the same thing, for little or no money.  Before social networking this is was altogether impossible, but today, it is starting to become the norm.  Social networking platforms allow their users free access to their own site, and webpage, connecting them with up to thousands, even millions of potential clients and associates.  But will social networking really become the next marketing avenue of the future?

The answer is it already has.  Social networking has begun to create enormous buzz in the business community, and this awareness is only growing.  Many companies are even looking at social networking as possibly a key element to their success in the future.  Many companies already look at social networking as a cheaper alternative to big budget marketing, and have successful strategies already in place.  Many businesses are also seeing social networking as a great tool in meeting people, such as potential customers and clients, as well as developing a better personal relationship with each customer.  This relationship can be extremely valuable to businesses looking to gain better credibility and trust among their consumer base.

No matter what your business, social networking may offer your company a new level of access to customers, previously unknown in recent times.  Not only is it important to know your customers, it is absolutely essential for the prosperity of your business in the future.  By better understanding your consumers’ needs, you will better understand how to meet these needs, thus turning it into further profitability for your company.   Social networking has no doubt taken our 21st century world by storm, but the real question is, will its implications reach far into the future?  There are as many people on each side of the fence.  But as far as the practical use of social networking in today’s business age, the verdict is already out.

If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention as the original source).

Source by Jonathan Boyd

Will Social Networking Replace The Traditional Marketing Of The Past

Increase the value of the product to contact Branding Firm

The marketing strategies are the utmost requirements in the present scenario for the success of the businesses. A number of new-age marketing strategies have come into the picture in the present scenario. One among them is the brand marketing singapore. It is a practice of creating a name, symbol or design, which identifies as-well-as differentiates a product form the other products.

A number of effective strategies of marketing of a brand are prevalent these days. Some of the effective marketing strategies that can be taken as the examples today include:

You Should Be Consistent about Your Brand

First, you should keep in mind what exactly is your business. You should be consistent about that on all the online channels. These channels may be blog comments, blogs, classifieds, PowerPoint presentations and more. The consistency will keep a good impact on the visitors, which may attract more clients or customers.

Your Website Should Be Optimized

The website should also be optimized, which is one of the necessary tools for any enterprise. The optimal performances on the search engines can be done at the first place that is required by the companies. The Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques can help you a lot in this regard.

Take the Help of Social Media Websites

The social media websites also play a vital role today in the marketing of the brands. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + and Instagram etc. are some of the famous social media sites, which can be taken as the perfect examples in this regard. The links, text, pictures and videos etc. can be posted on the pages, groups and profiles of these websites.

Quality Content Is Also Needed

The quality content is also a major part of the marketing of a brand. Your content should be of superb quality that can take your brand to some great heights.

Marketing via Press Release

Press Release is a news item for the launch of new products or services. By posting Press Releases over various websites, establishing the brand becomes much easier than before.

Video Marketing

Marketing via video is one of the effective ways in the current scenario. You can give tutorials or can show presentations by the means of videos. Sometimes, you are able to present the things in the videos more effectively then you do in the text.

PowerPoint Marketing

The marketing through PPT submissions is also a wonderful way without any doubt. The PowerPoint slides are made, with the information about the industry and the services being offered by the company.

Infographics Marketing

This is also an excellent way of marketing these days. Infographics are the graphics along with a variety of information of the products, services or the industry of company.

The services for the marketing of brand can be acquired with ease in the present scenario with the help of some internet sites. There are many branding firms singapore, which offer their services over websites. You are required to contact them through the online channels or via phone numbers. It is hoped that these services will give a significant growth to your business.

Source by Alan

Increase the value of the product to contact Branding Firm

Social Media Marketing-Carrollton Online Marketing-Find Best

Title: Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is the process of promoting your website and/or business by using social media channels. It is a powerful strategy that will get you massive amounts of traffic. Social media marketing will make your business more profitable by getting more traffic and becoming more known.

Most people do not know about social media marketing, do not know how to use it or do not believe in the value that social media marketing can bring to any site or business.

Local Search Texas uses social media marketing to help companies dominate their local competition. With Social Media Marketing, a company can receive large amounts of visitors and those visitors will continue to come back if you have good products or information. Social Media Marketing can also create secondary traffic which is like a referral base. Websites have your links, people see them, click on them and you have a new visitor.

When you have your links in the Social Media Marketing Networks, you will develop an authority by having a large number of natural and permanent links from a trusted domain. Search engines trust these and they dominate in the search engines.

If a link remains on the homepage of a Social Media Marketing site, or the first page of a search engine, people will usually think that this site is worth checking out and they will go to this site.

When you are entering your information into these Social Media Marketing Sites, you need to make sure that the information is interesting and that people will have interest to keep coming back or to take a further look into what you are all about.

Social Media Marketing gives you natural links, your website is exposed to large groups of people and it is different from paid advertising. It does not interfere with other methods of getting traffic to your website and it fits perfectly with any advertising campaign.

Social Media Marketing depends upon the correct information being given to the people that are searching for it. You want to have information that interests people and continue to put out information that is of interest and that will bring people back for more.

You may not get immediate exposure overnight, but within a short amount of time, you can have unique links everywhere. The world cannot get enough information to satisfy them. They always want more, especially when it is a subject that they can relate to or know of someone that can relate to it. We are always hungry for more knowledge and information. Depending on your users, you can have a significant increase in sales.

By using videos, blogging, articles and so forth through your Social Media Marketing, you can advance and see a whole new avenue that you never imagined.

The old ways of selling on the internet are long behind us, we are moving on to a new way and anybody that does not follow will eventually fall behind. Social Media Marketing is the new path to sales and enhancing a business. For more information, go to

Source by Rachel Cano

Social Media Marketing-Carrollton Online Marketing-Find Best

The Social Media Resume and Keywords

Keywords and Optimizing Are King

Researching and placing select keywords is vital in ensuring that your paper resume rises to the surface.  Media resumes are no different.  Here again, it’s about creating exposure for you and your background.

Part of this depends on how you structure your social media resume.  You might make it a standalone single page like your traditional resume, or you could break it into specific sections (skills, certifications, references, achievements, markets worked in, products sold).

Breaking it into different sections can allow you to target and optimize specific keywords around related content for each page.  Conceptually, this is very similar to optimizing individual websites and pages in order to drive traffic and rank high in search engines.

What does optimizing do? When done properly, this type of targeting can help these separate pages rank higher up on search engines when someone searches for you and specific keywords. This can help more employers and recruiters find you, resulting in more potential job opportunities. Try using two to three related keywords per page and its related topic.

Thus, if you have a single-page social media resume, you’ll be limited to using just two or three keywords.  Also, they’ll likely have to be of a more general, broad nature. This can make optimization-and thus visits from interested parties-more challenging.

Make Your Social Media Resume Easy to Share

You have little to no control over which specific people visit your social media resume. However, if they’re looking for your skills and have potential interest in hiring you-even if they are only influencers in the hiring process-you want to make it easy for them to spread the good word about you by sending your resume along.

That’s right: It’s about further improving your odds. Doing all the little extra can add up to a bigger competitive advantage for you: 

  • Set up reciprocal links to and from various social media vehicles and tools.

  • Put a small form on your social media resume that allows people to email/forward your resume to interested parties.

  • Get the URL of your social media resume listed on as many networking sites as you can manage. Interest in your skills and experience can come from anywhere.  Sometimes leads come from downright obscure and implausible places . Don’t knock anything until you give it a try.

Don’t Ignore the Stats

The cool thing with web pages-and having your own URL is one of those-means you can capture all sorts of neat information in the form of statistics you can use to your benefit in your search activities.

You can then use this info to help refine your online marketing activities.  Are the right people looking for you and finding you?  Are the keywords you are optimizing having the desired impact?  Are your tactics helping improve your online visibility?  The stats will give you plenty of insight here.

The fancy name for this is “website/page analytics.”  Basically, this mean using a simple statistical package that often comes with web-hosting services to allow you to find out the answers to the aforementioned questions along with other interesting tidbits of information: 

  • Number of visitors who come to your social media resume

  • What pages your social media resume links to and what pages are linking back to it

  • Keywords used to find your social media resume

Web analytics can be complex.  But if this is an area that interests you, doing more targeted keyword searching on the topic can help you find educate yourself about it. 

Source by Sherrie A. Madia, Ph.D.

The Social Media Resume and Keywords

Benefits of Social Networking

Social Networking of course is in its infancy, at least to web site traffic generators, so what are the so far under-penetrated benefits of social networking?

Despite the huge success of sites like MySpace, Friendster and, millions of people have not yet seen the advantages of social networking. Perhaps it is due to the awkward situations where users find themselves wary of the friendships offered by strangers – just like when we were in junior high school.

Depending on what angle you want to promote your business, most networking spots are free, which means no cost to you to generate an extra lead or build some additional traffic. The beauty of utilizing these sites is the opportunity to use social media content to create brand recognition in a timely fashion.

Social workers have to work long hours with very difficult situations, if they are able to build a supportive circle of friends around them to support them this should be encouraged. However it does need the support of their organisations to be in agreement that this is a worthwhile tool.

You may not believe it, but social networking sites have actually paved the way for easier advertising. Another positive news is that you could promote your products and/or services for free. For example, you could create forum threads to generate interest. You could tell people the simple steps in acquiring your products or availing your services.

On the other side of the coin, the services that these sites are at the same time playing important role in the business world. Despite the fact that these social networking sites can give wide opportunity to broaden your circle of friends, online social networking can also increase a person’s exposure to the people with a less than the friendly intentions.

And while those that logged in didn’t provide any breakthrough thoughts, their assistance helped me to have one or two on my own, including a nascent concept for developing a new type of international speaking agency.

Social networking software has become extremely affordable and requires only a one time investment. There are no monthly fees and usually upgrades come with no additional charge. This lack of additional charges makes social networking software a much better investment than most other forms of online advertising.

Normal procedures, like email and mailing lists, are fine for people whom you already know. Meeting new people is somewhat more complex. For those circumstances, we have social networking sites. I have friends I only see in person at conventions, and the social networking sites are excellent for that.

Another thing that joining a fitness social networking site can do for you is to put you in touch with fitness professionals who can educate you about techniques for achieving the overall physical and mental well being that you are searching for.

Another benefit of social networking is communication. You don’t have to load a chat software to talk to someone in another continent; you can easily do so on the site itself. You can send them an email, invite them to chat, or even give them a call if the feature is included in the social networking site.

Source by tim james

Benefits of Social Networking

Rules for Social Media Networks and Marketing Redefined

Change has become even more inevitable because of the Internet.  There is no doubt that it has changed the way the game of advertising is played. And there is no way that you can hide the transformation. More and more magazine and newspaper companies close or resort to publishing write-ups online.  Before, businesses can only buy airtime on one channel and show commercials that would later convert to sales leads. Now, this is no longer the case.

The new trend operates on a totally different set of marketing rules. With the possibility of reaching the whole world with only your computer and the internet as your means, it is apparent that the game has changed. The Internet has indeed become the hodgepodge of avenues for reaching the widest market. Four of the most popular avenues are Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and blogging. These platforms allow businessmen to establish valuable connections and eventually generate sales.

We call these sites social media networks and these are sites that allow us to interact with other people. And if you will be able to know your way through these networking platforms, you can use it to your advantage by creating your own community – a community whose participants are people who are into what you are doing or people who are interested in the product or the service that your business offers. Can you imagine how you can actually speak to your customers and allow them to speak back with this kind of marketing strategy?

Social Networking: What is it really?

Social networks are basic what brings people with common causes together. The concept of social networking is not new at all. In fact, we do it even when we are not connected to the Internet. But interacting with people online has now become one of the most promising tactics as far as marketing trends are concerned. And this should not leave you wondering because it is a fact that millions of people use the Internet everyday in order to meet people and establish personal and business relationships.

You can find a lot of social networking platforms when you explore the Internet. These are websites that are designed to cater either a group of internet users with the same cause or interest or a large number of people who have diverse personalities and intentions. A variety of subgroups fill a social networking site and these groups are usually formed by people who have the same hobbies, religion, or political beliefs.

People with different cultures from different parts of the world are simply brought together by the Internet. Because social networking sites are specifically designed to allow people to communicate with other people, you can be assured that they will not have reservations in communicating with you too.

How effective is social networking as a marketing strategy?

Entrepreneurs have something in common. They work hard to market their products or services in order to generate sales. In order to this, you have to let your market know that you exist. Your target customers will never buy something that they’ve never heard about. This is where social networking websites come in. By participating in social media sites yourself, you will be able to share a bit of yourself to your potential clients. Not only will you be able to get to know them, you will be building trust and confidence at the same time. By participating in social media discussions, you will be able to somehow ignite people’s interest towards the information that you give or the products and the services that you are able to provide them with.

Networking has always been one of the most effective ways to grow businesses. The conception and birth of the Chamber of Commerce and even other organizations that have the same function in different localities is primarily to establish networks. The increasing importance of the Internet to the lives of many has allowed for the prevalence of networking on social media sites. This happened mainly because networking through the Web allows them to establish or participate in networks no matter where they are or what type of networking style they are employing.

Now that you have been given enough information about how social media networking is redefining the way marketing is seen, it is high time for you to actually get into the trend!

Source by Deborah Richmond

Rules for Social Media Networks and Marketing Redefined

Social Marketing Failures – Case Studies

ial Media Marketing is a powerful tool, but also is hard to control. This article features a couple recent cases in which social marketing has failed or gone wrong.

The Wal-Mart case

In August 2007, Wal-Mart started its own Facebook profile, aimed on students. The goal was to stimulate the consumer behavior of students on their student rooms. After a few weeks the original goal of the ‘Wal-Mart Roommate Style Match’ was far forgotten.

Visitors of Wal-Mart’s room decoration page can leave comments; a function intended to receive praise on the decoration tool, or a few suggestions for improvement at worst. Wal-Mart did probably not expect to have their complete Facebook Wall filled with criticism on its low wages, aversion to trade unions and unhealthy competition practices.

Marketers should keep this in mind when offering customers the option to make their opinions public. You could have many satisfied customers, but when you expect a small group of ‘brand terrorists’ to vent their frustrations for the whole world to see, you might want to think twice about opening a brand page on a social network site.

One of the visitors said Wal-Mart’s biggest mistake was putting a ‘Wall’ on their profile.

Wal-Mart – The second attempt

Packed with the experience of their last campaign a new attempt on social marketing was made. Wal-Mart announced the launch of a Social Marketing Campaign by allowing users to review content on their site.

A Social network site was launched for kids on the wal-mart website named ‘The Hub’. What happened was, parents had to be informed of every new registration which isn’t very ‘cool’ for the kids, although it’s great for parents. All content got screened by third a third party, while social networks are joined to express yourself in the way you want to. Next to that there were no options to PM or mail each other. Communication possibilities are a basic requirement for a social network site.

The marketers should’ve realized that just one stage of child-protection is the best they can do to keep kids safe while building a popular social network. People need to be given control and have the ability to allow two-way conversations to flow without you being the only one talking.

The Molson photo contest

In November 2007, Molson pulled the plug on its Facebook photo contest. Molson’s online marketing campaign, in which students were encouraged to post pictures of themselves partying on campus, was “misinterpreted” as promoting irresponsible drinking.

“We need to be communicating with our consumers because that’s where our consumers are communicating among themselves. We need to make sure we’re in that relevant channel”, the company said.

Marketers have to be more subtle than Molson in trying to capture users’ attention. The risk always remains that the marketer can lose control of its brand. Molson is wading into uncharted territory and stepped over the line of acceptability with its Facebook campaign.

The 2008 Ford Focus, unfocussed?

In October 2007, online ads were seen about a man who roars, moves and behaves like a lion. ‘Fake’ news articles were found as well; “The Lion-Man Escapes From High-Security University Research Centre”.

The relation between the ‘The Lion-Man’ and the Ford Focus stayed undiscovered by the big public. The viral failed because it was too hard to figure out what it was about. It also seems to have no purpose – there’s no payoff. There are no clear call-to-action events, no ‘go out and buy this’, nothing.

A lot of wasted money that ended up in an ad that looks more like a practical joke, rather than a viral campaign. Ford’s attempt on putting up a Facebook page featuring the “Lion-Man of Tanzania” ended up having 0 subscribers.

Titleist’s fictional golfer

Titleist is a major golfing product manufacturer that created a website for a fictional golfer and promoted it offline using formats like television advertising during major golf tournaments.

Offline marketing for an online campaign can sometimes work but it’s so much easier and cheaper to get things promoted online. Although the site really isn’t that bad, there’s no call-to-action for people to share the content or any incentives for them to upload music and videos which the site hopes they will do. People seem to forget all too easily that good content just won’t go viral – great content can and sometimes will. The videos on the site are good but aren’t great.

Titleist’s marketers should have looked at ways to promote their product online via social networks where they could have gotten their video more attention and website traffic. Don’t spend big dollars on TV advertising if you don’t have a website to back it up.


Source by LifeCapture Interactive

Social Marketing Failures – Case Studies

Role of Sponsored Posts in Social Media Marketing

Going through my Facebook and LinkedIn, I often times come across an interesting snippet from a page that neither I nor my friends have liked or shared; called as “Sponsored.”

Social Media platforms have enabled marketers to feature their posts right in the middle of your feed. This targeting happens on the basis of geography, age, gender, income groups, socio economic groups, spending habits and general interests.

Social Media Marketing brings with it the benefit of filtering your target audience down to the niche your company is targeting.

Whether a company is dealing with B2B or B2C clientele, being online on various channels has become imperative to business owners. One may have a website but it needs to well place in the parameters of SEO set by Google.

When we speak about Social Media Marketing there are various benefits that businesses can employ for the wellbeing of their company.

  1. Target Audience filtering: From Age groups, genders to income groups, geographical areas, interests and spending habits all can be filtered so that an advertisement is shown only to the relevant consumer in focus for that particular campaign.

  2. Control on Spending : A choice of how much needs to be spent on each campaign can be monitored giving more weightage to the cash cows of your business

  3. Better ROI: As compared to SEO, which requires a long time and monotonous efforts to bring results, Paid campaigns give instant results.

  4. Branding: With continuous social media marketing efforts a new enterprise can build a Brand presence as their ads can be seen on multiple platforms giving a single message.

  5. Enhanced User Interaction: As Social Media Marketing can have the ability to touch a larger target audience with specific CTA buttons that probes the user to interact with the company. A uniform message and detail oriented language uniformity, when maintained can drive interested consumers to final customers.

Content formulation, use of high quality visuals and placements play a major role in effective Social Media Marketing. Maximus Leads an SEO Company in Pune, houses industry experts in Social Media Marketing.

An experienced eye, continuous monitoring of Social Media Platforms’ updates and understanding user perspective creates result oriented effective social media marketing campaigns that fulfil immediate commercial objectives of a company.

Social Media Marketing most imminent benefit is that it drives convertible leads to your website which enhances business performance in the long run. Which is what every business owner wants, don’t you agree?

Source by Sandip Sharma

Role of Sponsored Posts in Social Media Marketing

How To Amp Up Your Social Media Profile Picture?

Just when you thought you knew all the names in social media, the biggest name of all has its own portal and you can customize to make it uniquely yours with pictures that represent who you are.

Google is a well-known online resource primarily used for searching the Web for restaurants, links, travel destinations and asking questions that need answers. This company has been around for a long time and has taken advantage of the social media ‘fad’ to open its own site called Google+. This site is very similar to many of the interactive apps that teens and adults use today, but may be more convenient if you already have a Gmail account and are a big fan of the conglomerate.

As with many of the other big names, there is the ability to create a profile, add facts and pictures about yourself and connect with friends for social interaction. This can also be used for business purposes to link up with contacts although it is important to understand that settings should be carefully considered based on what you want others to see.

When creating a profile, you may want to use personalized images of yourself or stick with pictures that are more generic and professional in nature.

There are websites that offer free background images for Google that can be downloaded to your location and then applied without any hassle. This can include sports, entertainment, art, animals, cartoons and other popular categories that range from playful to serious in nature. The goal is to have a picture that represents part of your life but is high grade and does not use your specific image. This can be important for privacy reasons or just because you enjoy bragging about your favorite teams. You can easily switch the images out when you want to modify for a change and every item is free, so that you don’t have to worry about costs or hidden charges. When looking for these types of vendors, make sure that you identify a site that is reliable and has good reviews which can be easily checked using a Google search about the vendor.

Personal security and privacy are important even for those on a social media site so you don’t want to bring anything in that may have hidden cookies or scripts that copy and read your information. Once you have the right image, then you can share with all your friends and finalize the set-up and then modify at a later time. Some sites even have pictures related to specific occasions, technology, ‘urban’ and a range of other topics that will have all your friends wondering where you got the ‘cool pic’. You can share the link with them and pass on the fun.

Social media sites are a valuable way to keep in touch with family and friends that are spread out over long distances, but you should always check your settings and read the disclosures to ensure that you understand who can see what. Businesses have started checking out social pages during the hiring process so they have better insight into the applicants or final contenders. When you have a professional background image , it can generate an increased respect for your site, giving you an edge over the competition.

If you are trying to find cool Facebook backgrounds , the author of this article recommends Background Image Pro.

Source by danielwlowry

How To Amp Up Your Social Media Profile Picture?

How To Search For Husband's Profile On Social Networks

Would you like to know how to search for husband’s profile on social networks? Do you want to know what your husband is doing on social networks such as who he is talking to or what pictures he has posted of himself? Do you want to know if he is talking to old classmates or friends in which he has had previous relationships with? Does your husband talk to people that he shouldn’t be talking to over social networks but you do not know for sure? Would you like to be able to find his social network but don’t know how to? Has he registered under an email address in which you don’t know so that you cannot find him by simply searching the social network?

There is only one way that will show you how to search for husband’s profile on social networks. You probably won’t be able to find your husband by just searching his name because chances are there is more than one person with that name. In order to be successful at searching for your husband’s social network profile you will need to use an email or reverse email search engine.

These search engines allow you to search for your husband by his name as well as his email address. Once you search for either of these you will be able to find your husband and then run a search from here across 20 social network sites. These social network sites include the most popular such as Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, Flickr and many more. You will be able to find information on your husband such as photographs, shared information and a direct link to his profile page.

The one thing you must be careful of when using a email or reverse email search engine is the authenticity of the website. There are many websites that claim can show you how to search for husband’s profile on social networks but in fact there are only a select few that will truly enable you to do so. Only the search engines that have formed data partnerships with the companies that actually have this information are legitimate. In order to know which search engine is legitimate you can get a good sense based on the small fee that it charges. If the website charges a fee then we know that it is somewhat legitimate because these sites must pay the companies that they have formed their special data partnerships with. Without this fee the search engines won’t be able to pay for their partnerships and therefore won’t be able to provide you with the information you desire.

In order to know how to search for husband’s profile on social networks you will need the assistance of a email or reverse email search engine. These search engines will give you your husband’s email address in which he has used to register in social networks. You can then find his social network profile and see what your husband has been doing on his profile.

Source by Verny L

How To Search For Husband's Profile On Social Networks

Success With Facebook and Social Media Marketing

When you have ample options for social media marketing, how do you know that Facebook is the network to focus on? Through complete analysis, it has been shown that Facebook visitors are more devoted not only to their site, but to the promotional efforts of marketers. They edge out other social media sites with a loyalty based visit statistic. With 20% of Facebook users returning, utilizing, and responding to social marketing techniques, the site carries the highest percentage of loyal users in the business. Even Twitter only comes in at about 11% of loyal users.

Promoting Facebook Pages with Fans

Facebook combines the power of social marketing with viral marketing through a fan base. If you have one person who becomes a fan of your site you aren’t just promoting to that single person. If they have 50 friends, those 50 friends area also privy to your marketing, and thereby you reach a much higher ratio of individuals through this type of social network marketing. Encouraging users to become fans through free giveaways, raffle drawings, and other simple incentives is the fastest way to build up your fan base.

Fans should also have the exclusive right to provide their opinion. One of the benefits of becoming your fan is that the fan base gets to interact with you through polls, feedback ratings, and if appropriate, special quizzes.

Social Media Interaction

While it is true that the more fans you have the more opportunity you have to build up a loyal consumer base. However, don’t forget that Facebook is an interactive experience. You need to give your fans a reason to keep coming back and to continue their online relationship with your site.

The only way to do this is through conversation. If your fans are leaving comments, make sure you take the time to read them, respond, and toss out engaging ideas that will encourage others to respond. You don’t have to respond to every single post, but try to find common threads so that each response ends up being targeted at several people. Choose different users to respond to.

Is this time consuming? It takes a certain amount of daily time commitment. Yet remember that with each message or response you are reaching more people than you’re aware of.

Unless your site is intentionally controversial, avoid controversial topics. If you are selling dog paraphernalia, refrain from getting into political arguments, religious views, and other hot button topics unless they are directly related to your site. While choosing a hot button topic might cause a significant increase in your initial responses, hot button topics bring up strong emotions. You run the risk of losing the loyalty and involvement of anyone on the other side of the political or religious fence.

Keep your conversation genuine and relevant. You’re not looking to spam your fans just to communicate with them. Offer them something that they can find valuable or entertaining. Again, going back to the dog paraphernalia website, offering up the latest news and information on dog health, dog interest stories, and dog training tips is useful to your fans.

Facebook does allow you to create messages that are demographically specific. Take the time to separate your fans into their appropriate demographic in order to be able to write through specific messages that will relate to them.

It’s not uncommon to find people who are known as online hecklers. These are users who want to incite other users by leaving posts that are off color, or downright offensive. The easiest way to deal with this is to leave a disclaimer that reminds users that you have the right to remove such posts, and then follow through. Block the user if you feel it is necessary. Don’t get carried away. Your fans are not going to appreciate a lot of editing. They love the First Amendment and start to take it personally when they feel that they are being exploited and then exposed to censorship.

Facebook offers ample tools for creating a positive social marketing experience. The site continuously comes out with new tools all the time and you should be ready to familiarize yourself with such tools and use them as often as appropriate.

Be Accessible and Easy to Find

It’s actually easier to be found on Facebook than many people realize. With the appropriate use of well placed keywords (including inside your content, posts, and titles) you can be located through a simple search. Without keywords you are not likely to be found through active searching.

Keep people talking. The more your users are able to interact with you the more you will be able to spread through their friends and their friend’s friends.

Don’t be afraid to occasionally tell people you want them to respond. Tell them, invite them, and encourage them from time to time that you want them to spread the word about your site and your interests. Asking for bloggers to help extend your audience is normal and expected provided it is not done in every post. They

Now Pay Close Attention —

Using your Facebook Fan Page to increase your business exposure and revenue is simpler than you’ve been told. Everyone with a facebook fan page faces the same two problems:

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Your new fans will arrive in 3 – 4 weeks and all fans are REAL FANS guaranteed to stick to your fanpage. Buy Facebook Fans today and boost your businesses online presence overnight.

Source by beres bable

Success With Facebook and Social Media Marketing

Tips for a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media is a wonderful place for brands to have a little fun, but also brings in a countable result on a business’ bottom line. Many small businesses are opting to use it as a way of growing their brand online. It may sound more fun and easy when you are managing only your personal accounts. However, it may sound bit tricky when you start using it as an online marketing strategy for a business with multiple communications channels and strategic goals. Social media provides visibility and transparency compared with any other marketing medium. If used wisely, it is a great platform to turn your followers, fans & readers into your customers or clients.

Here are few steps which may help you to make sure that your social media marketing campaigns contribute to your business objectives:

Choose the right social media platform
It is best to focus on one or 2 major social networks and learn how to leverage it for your online marketing rather wasting your effort on all available social media platforms. Figure out where your target market hangs out online, where they share their interests etc and you will be able to determine which platforms to focus on. If you haven’t planned to put your best foot forward, you’ll shortchange the potential of your social media strategy.

Post quality contents
Of course, you can post anything on social media if it is your personal account and it’s free too. However, in today’s competition world, really need to filter your contents when you manage your social media accounts for your business. Posting quality contents that would be beneficial to the readers would attract more potential customers to your business. You can share your success secrets, share latest info about your business etc. Anything which adds knowledge to the readers would be definitely liked and your readers would rely upon you on long term basis.

Be consistent on social media
Posting contents, images or other relevant info consistently on your chosen social media will help to get your business name in front of your potential customers. It will also let your customers know that your business is reliable and on top of things. Also, plan on how often you can post on each social media — like every week or every day and fix a specific time to post out. If you post frequently the more likely people will get to see your content. Interact with your readers by commenting to their replies, re-tweets, likes etc

Monitor your progress
True success on social media is quantified by the number of quality leads that’s you get through your networks. Using monitoring tools can help you track all your social interactions regularly and engage with the people who mostly share/comment on your posts, these are your fans so pay most attention to them.

Follow these steps to develop a feasible and realistic social media strategy based on your resources and goals. This way, you’ll optimize your social media marketing efforts and improve the chances they help you accomplish your specific business goals.

Source by maria hick

Tips for a Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy

Contact a Social Media Marketing Firm to Promote Your Biz Online

In this competitive scenario, it’s difficult to grow as an independent business entity without a successful marketing plan. No matter whether you are a small or large business entity, you should have strategic, functional and goal-oriented marketing plans to stay ahead of their competitors. It’s of no use to meet the standards of quality in your products and services if your target customers don’t know your existence in the market. Today, we use more effective communication channels to access the target market. These affordable and accessible communication channels have made it a lot easier for us to connect to the majority of worldwide consumers. These channels require minimal time, labor and efforts to bridge the gap between producers and consumers.

In this digital world, both small and large businesses adequately rely on internet analytic, social media services and email marketing tools to market their products and services, to stand out of the crowd, to brighten up their corporate image, and to influence their customers. If you are looking to promote your biz through online resources, a reputed social media marketing firm can help you achieve the same.

Social media marketing acts as the best online brand strategy, enabling the organizations to promote their biz with minimal possible efforts, and relatively less advertising and branding cost. In recent years, social media has emerged as a smart and powerful marketing tool, which gives the marketers a voice and a way to communicate with potential buyers all over the world. It has a great influence in our everyday life. Using social media marketing services, you can expend your visibility on Facebook, Twitter and social networking sites. These services help you create a focused perspective needed for smart marketing.

There are many obvious reasons why most organizations have started using social media marketing services. These services can increase more traffic on your business website, aid your online brand strategies, and give you an integrated platform to market your products and services. So, these services could be a prerequisite to gain online exposure. The companies that offer social media marketing services promote your business through content materials and visual displays of your products. They bring you one step close to the buyers. Every day, millions of internet users share their views and ideas on social networking sites in order to respond to the quality and features of products that are available online. If you have content material and products on these sites, you can attract potential buyers who seem to be out of your reach.

Source by Jennifer Neville

Contact a Social Media Marketing Firm to Promote Your Biz Online

Ideas To Market A Brand Or Businesses Through Social Media Marketing

With the emergence of social media, the way has completely transformed in which the businesses used to deal with their customers and prospective customers. There is no exaggeration in saying that social media has completely revolutionalized the ways through a business communicates. This thing has enabled the small companies to widen their exposure as well as to strengthen the bond with customers. In many ways, the social media works as the playing field for the small businesses in the small sphere.
Here in this blog, you will find some effective ideas to market your brand or business through social media marketing.
•    Facebook: With uncountable users across the globe, Facebook works as one of the biggest social media platforms of the globe. Since inception, Facebook has evolved in a user friendly and easy method for the businesses, individuals and like-minded group of people to communicate with others around the globe. With so many people using this social media platform on a regular basis, it’s actually worthwhile having some type of presence for your business there. Thus, having an active Facebook presence can be a really useful way to launch and market a new service or product. So, you can create a Facebook page where people can become “fan”, can interact with you, can comment on your services or products and can even share the page with others.
•    Twitter: Twitter is basically a micro-blogging tool that enables users to post 140 characters online about their businesses and about themselves. So, you can build up your own network to “follow” and recruit your own tribe of followers by looking for topics, which interest you and are relevant to your business. Unlike normal emails or text messages, the tweets don’t only appear to the profile pages of the users, but also to the profile of every follower. This thing makes the tweets a highly effective tool for spreading your latest ideas and news to the entire world quickly.
•    LinkedIn: Boasting millions of users across the globe, LinkedIn works as a useful space for all the business professionals to host CVs online to find work or networks.
•    YouTube: The moving images work as one of the strongest methods to get your message across people fast. Businesses mainly use this site to post videos about their services or products or to create their own YouTube channels including a complete range of videos regarding their services or products. This way, YouTube can become a compelling and useful medium for promoting and marketing any business.
•    Blogs: Blogs are basically websites that allow people to write a diary of their activities which others can see. Blogs can be enriched with other social media tools like Twitter feeds, YouTube videos, audio, photo and links to other external sites of interest. So, with this social media platform, you can create a space for your business without paying anything.

Apart from the social media platforms mentioned above, there are some others that can assist you in marketing your business or brand. These are namely: MySpace, Ning, Bebo, and Flicker.

Source by kreative

Ideas To Market A Brand Or Businesses Through Social Media Marketing

Why is Social Media Important for Business? 4 Key Reasons

It isn’t enough to have a website for your business. Your digital personality extends to social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. If you haven’t already, it is time to start embracing the overwhelming trend that 88% of  consumers will go online and trust reviews or social media mentions just as much as a personal recommendation from a trusted friend.  Successful businesses need to know their audiences very well.


With social media, it is easier to access consumers

The benefit of social media is that knowing your audience is easier than ever. With access into Facebook and Twitter, you see immediately your target market up close and personal. You can respond quickly to problems.  Consumers are receptive to your messages in Facebook and Twitter. People view Twitter and Facebook as a network of friends, not marketing machines.  Not surprising, when you stay in front of your customers, they’re more likely to buy from you. Social media gives you the opportunity to constantly give your customers the incentive to buy. Try Tweeting or posting coupon specials or code, good only for those who are your Facebook fans or Twitter followers.


With social media, gain instant feedback from customers

Another benefit to social media is improved customer service. Because social media is a ‘real-time’ experience, you have instant access to the feedback of your customers. Negative comments about your company can be catastrophic.  After reading a negative online review,, 86% of consumers will reconsider a purchase, while positive reviews will encourage it.  Responding to consumers quickly is essential. This is invaluable in helping you maintain high customer satisfaction and retention.


Your competition is on social media. Know what your competition is doing.
Your competition uses social media. If used properly, they will take your customers over time. Social media marketing levels the playing field. Businesses with large advertising budgets truly have no advantage over a small business with a well-planned social media strategy. People expect businesses to have Facebook and Twitter accounts. They expect to be able to use them to get in touch with company representatives.  Social media is a must have for businesses.


Take care of customer issues quickly

So what exactly can a company do to stop bleeding revenue from negative reviews?  View the complaint, talk to the customers and try to fix the issue. The key to leveraging the value of social media is the ability to analyze and review Facebook posts or Tweets.  Not only the ability to analyze online comments but also that responses to consumers be done in a timely fashion.  This has been the challenge for many business owners. Do I hire an agency to manage my social marketing or hire a staff to do so?  Can I do it myself?  


There are tools available from different vendors who offer social media alerting services. These services can provide to you the analytics and tools needed to manage social media yourself. Check out,,  or .  Each company offers services with different budgets.




Source by Gregg

Why is Social Media Important for Business? 4 Key Reasons

Top Most Five Social Media Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Social media is a great and good tool to promote your business in competitive market. But sometime many business owners make some mistakes due to lack of understanding about social media. It is possible to avoid all social media mistakes. If you are planning to online marketing for your business, you need to avoid few internet marketing mistakes. Here is a list of few social media mistakes which are offered by Social Media Marketing in Toronto.

1. Too Many Social Media Channels Or Accounts: When anyone start his new online business, definitely make this mistake. New business owner think that he/she can promote his/her business in very less time through too many social media accounts. But this is totally wrong. You need to know which social channels is good for your business. For example Facebook. At present, million of people use Facebook instead of twitter or instagram. You can post your services or business on Facebook. Definitely it will work.

2. Not Sharing The Right Information: Right information about your business is crucial for your users. If you post boring content or your post have not sufficient information related to your business, your customers don’t care about your brand. Remember one thing, your customer looking for valuable information.

3. Purchasing Likes And Followers: When people start social media marketing business, they make a mistake of buying followers and likes. Because they think it is a numbers game but it’s not truth. Purchasing fake likes and followers is an easy way to promote your business on social media and it looks good for your business but it can hurt your business. Numbers are not everything, reviews are most important as compare to likes and followers.

4. Not Having Social Strategy: A good strategy is a great way of success. As you know social media is crucial for your business. So, you need a strong social media strategy because it help to increase the value of your business.

5. Over Posting: New posts are good for your social account but don’t put huge number of posts in your account. As a business owner it is important that you start with few posts. May be clients ignore huge number of posts or even unfollow you. Your goal is to attract customers, not annoyed them.

Wire Tree is well known for internet market services provider company in Toronto. We are committed to offers effective solutions to our clients. To know more about our services, speak with our experts at 416-907-0561.

Source by Wiretree

Top Most Five Social Media Mistakes You Need To Stop Making

Use Social Media Marketing for Effective Brand Promotion and Advertising

Advertising and marketing are an integral part of every business and without these; you cannot generate sales or earn the desired profits. Marketing is the backbone of every business organization and is the most efficient medium to reach potential clients with an effective commercial message. Marketing is basically the ability to interpret a product or service in a way that can be enticing for the target audience. With an effective marketing strategy, a commercial organization can effectively promote their brand and reach sales target. Marketing basically instigates the desire and need for a product or service in the target audience. So, if you want to promote your brand and product in an effective way and generate the desired sales and profits then you should make sure that you have an efficacious marketing strategy.


In this era of technological advancement, the advertising and marketing practices have significantly changed. The age old advertising mediums are still used but a new medium is becoming quite popular, which is not just effective but is also easily accessible. Internet is the most popular advertising medium in the business world and most of the industrial giants are harnessing the power of World Wide Web to reach potential customers. If you are also willing to expand your business and want to create a strong market presence then you should invest in social media marketing packages. These packages basically comprise of online marketing services that can help you in maintaining the online presence in order to reach out to the target audience, which is essential to promote the offered products and services. You can easily get in touch with the companies that offer these packages and can avail online marketing services. However, before availing any social media marketing package, you should make sure that it is worth the investment.


Social Media Marketing

Nowadays, almost every business enterprise is using social media platforms to advertise products and services. Social media sites have served to be a great platform for advertising brands and products. This is because these days almost everyone is using social media sites to communicate with each other and stay updated about all the latest happenings. So, the advertisements posted on social media sites get many views, which of course is important for effective brand promotion and marketing. If you are also willing to upgrade your marketing strategy then you must use social media platforms for brand promotion and advertising. These platforms can certainly help you in expanding your market reach and generating the desired profits.

Source by Jennifer Neville

Use Social Media Marketing for Effective Brand Promotion and Advertising

Impact of Media on Learning


Media has opened new dimensions in learning. Now education is no longer a constraint for anyone. Media has brought education to the doorstep of each and every individual. All forms of media- the newspaper, radio, television and the internet are equally important in imparting education. As the technology is progressing, the different educational modules are being channeled through certain community access centers like community radio system, televisions, internet, community multi-media centers etc. Media literacy or education does not only mean to be entertained by media but to learn something from it. As a major part of the learning process is concentrated on children, media plays a significant role to satisfy their intellectual curiosity. Children often learn important things through the media, which change their perspective to life. Moreover, radio has now started to enter into the educational sector commonly known as Community Radio System, which indirectly forms the part of e-learning process. Computer-based education has transformed the traditional offerings of distance learning. This medium of education converts the traditional static resources into interactive and interesting online modules for the learners. The primary motive of the Interactive Learning Modules is to create modular interactive learning materials for the development of education and to demonstrate their effectiveness in university curricula as well as industrial training programs. Interactive Learning Modules, which is another form of media, serves the purpose of both the technical and management corporate trainee people along with the people with learning disabilities. The main aim of this article is to focus on the positive effects of media on learning and how different forms of media have contributed to the development of mankind.

Media and learning: New dimensions
Author: Bipasha Chowdhury

Media is everywhere; it has become a part of our daily life. The media plays a dominant role in the learning process. Its impact is vast in shaping the life of an individual. Media has the potential to shape personalities, change the way we perceive and understand the world and our immediate reality. Though we know that all good things have both good and bad effects, likewise, media too have some positive and negative effects. Moreover, we have seen that a large number of people depend on the internet to collect information, read news, listen to music and download movies, play games and also for work. Newspaper, Radio, Television and the internet- all form part of the media and are important in imparting education. Media offers culture, sports, information, entertainment, current affairs and education. Sometimes the impact of media is very high. For example, children love to watch the superheroes and sometimes try to copy their actions while playing. On the other hand, the impact may not be so vast or immediate. It happens gradually as children see and hear certain messages repeatedly. Some of the devastating advertisements include: Fighting and unnecessary quarrel, cigarettes and alcohol being shown as the symbol of heroism, style and attractive, but not deadly and unhealthy. Moreover, violation of laws is shown as a means to gain justice and sexual action with no negative results, such as disease or unintended pregnancy. In recent years, the impact of media on teaching and learning has increased tremendously. New opportunities are being provided to give a techno-touch to the traditional educational process and system. As the society is becoming media-savvy day by day, the educational modules are being channeled through certain community access centers like community radio system, televisions, internet, community multi-media centers etc.

Media and Children:

Media Literacy: “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate information in a variety of formats.” —David Considine
The role of media in imparting education is increasingly on the rise. Media surrounds us and is present in everything. This phenomenon has made learning easier and interesting for children. Television, radio, and computers are gradually entering classrooms and changing the way of learning. With the onset of new technologies and the emerging trends in the global economy, the present day education is changing. Therefore, there is a need to educate ourselves with the emerging wave of technology. It is well known that by learning to read and write, we can be called literate. Similarly, in the 21st century, by gaining knowledge about the different aspects of media, we can also be called media literate, although there are both positive and negative sides of it. Therefore, as we are adopting the good from it, the bad should be avoided. The negative messages could be avoided by developing the skills of questioning, evaluating and analyzing them. This can be called media literacy or media education.
Media literacy or education does not mean to know about media but to learn something from it. Moreover, we find the subjects that we learn in our curricula are also found in media. They may be related to arts, science, different languages, social sciences and health. It also helps to develop critical thinking skills. The students can get a vast exposure to the pop-cultural references. They can get statistics and data from the news, which can be the basis for math and science learning. The teachers can also incorporate media analysis whenever the Internet, television or video are used in the classroom.
The impact of media is vast on children and even on the adults. The intellectual curiosity of a child is satisfied by media literacy. At present, in order to exist in the competitive market, there is always a need to equip oneself with better knowledge and analytical skill. Apart from books, television also helps to improve the Intelligent Quotient and General Knowledge of every section of the society, particularly the children. Media education skills develop the children’s thinking and analyzing power, which in turn, inspires them to make queries and think about the media messages they watch, hear and read. As a child tries to critically analyze the things he reads, likewise he tries to do the same with sounds, actions, moving pictures etc. There are numerous benefits of media on children. The first and foremost effect of media is definitely the accumulation of General knowledge, different dialects and cultures. Television boosts the social awareness of a child to a great extent. Sports channels develop the logical mindset of a child. Cartoon channels keep the children happy. News channels increase the vocabulary of the children and inform them about the positive and negative impacts on the society. It increases the concentration and retention power of a child, which benefits their studies to a great extent.
There are also negative effects of media on children. Children often learn certain things, which change their perspective towards life. For example, if they watch violent scenes on TV, their nature tends to be the same. There are many incidents where children try to imitate the super heroes and it results in death. Studies often get hampered and lapse of concentration occurs due to excessive watching of television. The advertisements shown in the media often captures the mood of the individuals. Generally, girls are very vulnerable and sensitive about their physical image. When an adolescent girl watches the ads that show unless we buy a product or carry the style statement or wash our hair with a specific shampoo and look smart like a slim model, we don’t get respect in the society or get a job. These messages attack our self-esteem and create a negative impact on a child. Two Studies conducted by the South Australia’s Flinders University have revealed that “television advertising featuring idealised thinness negatively affected both the mood and the body image of adolescent girls, with those in the 13 – 15 year age group being more affected”.
On the whole, media has made a tremendous impact on children. Compared to the positive impact, the negative impact is too negligible. The craze of media is such that no one can escape its vibe-be it the adult or youth.
Effect of Community Radio on Education:
Radio has now started to enter into the education sector with the name of Community Radio System. The term Community Radio signifies radio broadcasting with the objective of serving the community by involving members of the community in the broadcast of their programmes. It will help the students to hone their public speaking skills. Though the concept of teaching through radio or television is quite new, but some media or production companies have come forward with such kind of proposals.
Certain questions may crop up about the validity of the relation between radio and learning. The readers may also ask whether the community radio is performing any tasks of e-Learning. If learning is universal and ‘e’ is used for ‘electronic’, then why can’t the verbal knowledge spread through electronic media like community radio as a part of ‘e-Learning’? The advantage of a community radio is that any listener within the range of five to ten kilometers can tune in the radio channel. Community radio is helpful enough for people of the poor and developing countries and even for people living in rural areas without basic amenities like electricity, satellite television, internet etc.
In India, the non-commercial organizations were not allowed to run radio stations. The private organizations with good financial background like Radio Mirchi, Red FM, Big FM, Radio city and educational institutions only get broadcasting licenses. This distinction is little reduced with the Cabinet decision. This move has triggered modest celebrations among a number of community radio, NGOs and broadcast professionals. A number of broadcasting organizations have moved forward to introduce community radio in schools and colleges. With the introduction of this technology, quite a few civil society organizations have come forward to broadcast their educative radio programming over AIR.
Webel Mediatronics, a profit making company, engaged in the development, manufacturing and in the areas of Studio and Broadcasting Systems, Industrial Electronics, Information Technology Applications and various systems for the disabled has come up with the idea of introducing radio in schools. It has already given offers to two schools-Heritage school and GD Birla Center for Education. If the offer is accepted, Webel feels, the radio system can make teenagers conversant with public speaking. According to Gautam Burman, Chief Executive Officer of Webel Mediatronics, “Schools feel that perfection in public speaking can only be achieved through practice. The community radio system will give students the opportunity to develop their communication skills and expand their knowledge base”.
This community radio can also help to organize counseling sessions, prior to any board or entrance examinations. Moreover, this kind of radio will help students to revise their classroom teaching, which they may forget. The health and hygiene issues can be addressed; lifestyle problems can also be solved though these programmes and even an awareness campaign by experts on HIV/AIDS can be transmitted. CRS can also help to notify parents about important announcements of schools. Burman added that “Often after exams, students seek informations in scholarships and admissions in other universities or courses. All such queries can be clarified through community radio. Eminent educationists can be invited to the studio to deliver lectures. Radio browsing will soon become popular among Gen Y”. Any listener within the range of five to ten kilometers can tune into the radio channel of the schools. It can also familiarize the local students with the similar syllabus of the other schools. There are schools that have allocated a budget of Rs.1 crore for students’ development programmes in the next few years by incorporating Radio programmes.

The impact of community radio is massive and its impact is felt on every section of the society. With the passage of time everyone has learnt to acknowledge its positive impact on individuals.
Effects of Media Boom on distance education:
Distance education is often defined as “institution-based, formal education where the learning group is separate, and where interactive telecommunications systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors” (Schlosser and Simonson, 2002).

The original distance education by correspondence has been upgraded by twenty-first century technology. Distance education has vastly benefited from the media boom with telecasts and broadcasts limiting the dependence on the written word. In the past, distance education was primarily delivered through mail and was called correspondence courses. The medium of instruction was mainly through books, paper documents and other printed materials. Contrary to classroom learning, instructions provided by professors or teachers were delivered in print to the learners who didn’t have the opportunity to have interactive classes. Queries and notes were interchanged between teachers and students and vice versa. But now the trend is fully replaced by colourful computer-based graphic resources. Computer-based education has changed the traditional offerings of correspondence education. This medium of education converts the traditional static resources into interactive and interesting online modules for the learners. Moreover, online-learning retains most of the characteristics of the classical form of distance learning, while offering more sophisticated learning materials at a much reduced rate.

At present, the concept of distance education with the help of media has gained wide popularity. The media boom with telecasts and broadcasts has to a large extent limited the dependence on the written word. Moreover, with the emergence of the Internet as a global media, the concept of distance learning has been revolutionized. From the age old days, distance learning was mainly provided through correspondence. But the introduction of the internet has changed the concept of distance learning to a great extent. At present, distance learning programmes are increasingly being delivered through computer technologies but the traditional media is not totally obsolete as it helps in effective learning. We can define quality online education as a people-oriented, instructor-led activity, where the level of communication should be comparable with on-campus education. Due to the connectivity of the internet, distance education is often called online learning because the Internet-connected computers bring the teacher and learner face to face, which substitutes/replaces classroom learning. Moreover, the Internet has also facilitated the students to study online from any location and at any convenient time.

There are numerous factors which have contributed to the increasing popularity of the distance education through media. With the introduction of online learning in universities, distance learning has gained immense importance. Online learning has assumed the role of an important media for imparting distance education. It also went to the extent of providing quality online courses which have become almost comparable to the traditional classroom learning. Now students can get access to a broad spectrum of disciplines from any location. With the mingling of online learning and distance education, education is no longer a constraint for any class of the society.

Distance education can also be termed as Interactive Telecommunications system. Interactive telecommunications systems broadly mean that the instructors and the learners use a variety of technological resources while teaching and learning from a distance. Now-a-days, many universities have come up with the idea of transferring its on-campus learning into online learning.

Now-a-days, we see an excessive use of media in education. Media has made its presence felt everywhere, be it by television, radio or computers, the most popular medium of imparting education. Unlike the past, education and examination is no longer monotonous. With the introduction of media, education has assumed a different role. Now-a-days, we can see that before the board exams or any competitive exams, different medias like television, radio etc. come out with different education-related programmes to help students to deal with their study materials. These media channels rope in different intellectuals, professors and teachers of different institutions to guide the students with their valuable suggestions and give them necessary moral boost to cope up with their burden of studies.

The most important advantage of online distance education is to earn a degree from one’s home or workplace. In traditional distance learning, interaction is limited to a certain point and feedback from the other side is often delayed because of slow postal systems. It has helped a large number of people to pursue education, who don’t even have the time to enroll for regular courses. Moreover, it is usually easier and less competitive to obtain admission for the online courses. Moreover, in case of online distance courses, learning is more fun and interactive. It is also flexible. It is possible to incorporate charts, maps, graphs, moving images, slides, video clippings and even audio recordings with the course material. It helps to understand the entire syllabus without the help of a teacher. The students are able to interact with their peers through online class projects, e-mails and also with the help of online conferencing. This interaction with the help of media using e-mail, conference calls and chat makes learning easier and entertaining. It substitutes the face-to-face experiences of traditional learning. The availability of online libraries with their huge collection of books has also made the learning process easier and worthwhile. Speaking about the economic side of online distance learning, it is seen that most of the time, the expense of a regular course is much higher than the online courses. The media-related online distance learning is relatively economical than the traditional class-room learning. Nevertheless, keeping in mind its positive effects on individuals, these computer-based distance education continues to grow.

Role of Interactive Learning Module in Education:

Interactive Learning module is another form of online distance education. The main idea of interactive learning is to provide educational guide through on-line education. In this module, support learning is available on a 24/7 clock and delivered from class-room to anywhere and at anytime. The Interactive Learning module generally engages the learner and the teacher in effective instructional communication without disturbing the interaction. Interactive learning modules developed by corporate media companies are becoming increasingly popular. Now-a-days, the Interactive Learning Module materials are used in management courses, undergraduate and graduate engineering courses, as well as technical and management corporate training programs. The prime aim of the Interactive Learning Modules is to create modular interactive learning materials for the development of education and to demonstrate their effectiveness in university curricula as well as industrial training programs. Thus, the acquaintance of knowledge is maximized through the advent of Interactive Learning Module.

Now-a-days, we have seen that interactive learning modules developed by different corporate media companies are becoming increasingly popular. Witnessing the importance of Internet, innumerable training players are offering their training online. These modules are helpful to provide value-added services and equip professionals to work in a dynamic and competitive environment. Interactive design tools help the learners to explore the activities of product development and emphasize on the integration of design, manufacturing and marketing concepts. Moreover, interactive learning provides solutions for evaluating and monitoring of the learner’s progress.

Like most of the media houses, ZEE has also come up with the concept of online education, which they named as ZEE Interactive Learning Systems (ZILS). ZILS generally provides its online courses through a Learning Management System. According to Rajendra Raju, executive vice president, corporate services of ZEE Interactive Learning Systems, “this offering not only facilitates in Synchronous and Asynchronous learning but also provides Customized Training Solutions based on individual needs and access to rich resources and expert support”. Apart from ZEE, another company which came forward for making faster its training market is Xansa Websity (formerly known as IIS Websity). It planned to focus on the corporate IT training market through its Learning Management System called the ‘Quality Learning System’ (QLS). Apart from ZEE and Xansa, Oracle also thought of introducing an e-learning methodology for its existing and future courses through the Oracle Learning Network (OLN). According to SV Krishna, head-Asia Pacific division, Oracle OU, “The purpose is to disseminate information anytime, anywhere and help in providing to those who are really in need of it. On OLN, one is learning from Oracle and with Oracle. The corporates can choose their specialized module, rather than undertaking the whole course. And the whole offering becomes more customized”.

Interactive Learning Modules are designed not only for the technical and management corporate trainee people but also for the people with learning disabilities. With the advent of technology, physical barriers are no longer a constraint for leading a normal life. Technology can abate any learning disabilities. It can also make learning accessible for the people with disabilities. Interactive Learning Modules are particularly helpful to people with learning disabilities.

With the transformation of a new era, we have seen that the concept of E-learning, supported by the web-based learning environments. This could help people with learning disabilities or social difficulties to adjust with normal contemporary life and knowledge-based curricula. Till now, the society and the media have not thought about the impact of computers on the lives of the disabled in general and the visually-challenged in specific. Special schools were built for their education. But the federal ‘Individuals with Disabilities Education Act’ (IDEA) made it mandatory for the schools to educate children with disabilities in general classrooms.

The Interactive Learning Guide for the disabled, coupled with the application of technology in education provides better understanding of theories, their applications and identification of alternate solutions for them. This advanced type of learning for the disabled has helped them to get over their weaknesses and start a new life afresh with better knowledge as their strength. A teacher, principal, specialist or a paraprofessional can help a child with learning disability to achieve full potential by helping them to adapt the online interactive education guide. Therefore, education is no longer restricted to the normal persons, but it has crossed the barriers and enlightened the life of every individual irrespective of their disability.

From the above inferences, we can rightly conclude that the effect of media is vast on the life of each and every individual. With the on-going development of information and technology in the society, media has given particular attention to the need of education and cultural diversity and promoted media consciousness among individuals. Media has entered in every sections of our daily life- be it in education, news, entertainment, culture, sports, etc. Last but not the least, media has opened a new dimension and gave a new meaning to education. Education has become more entertaining like never before.

Source by Bipasha Chowdhury

Impact of Media on Learning

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