When you focus on paying surveys as a primary or secondary job, you certainly want to find the top paying questionnaires to complete. In this way, you will be getting the best per job dollars for the time that you expend in order to complete the questionnaire. It may be difficult to know where to find such top paying companies, although there are many out on the internet. You want to get paid appropriate rates for the time that you spend completing the questions on the survey. Here are some suggestions regarding how to find the sites that offer the top paying survey jobs.
Use a Search Engine
To find the best paying surveys jobs, you can enter the term into the query box of your favorite search engine. The search engine results page (SERP) that is returned will be automatically ranked according to the optimization factors developed by the search engine company. Look over the results that are returned and follow up on those businesses that have the best chance of returning results of interest to you. Most people have a search engine that they are comfortable with, so think about using the tool to find survey jobs or survey listing sites.
Find a Top Listing Site
There are several quality sites listing paying surveys. The listing web sites are structured generally the same, with many of the same surveys appearing on each site. Try to determine the site that has the listing you are most likely to use and go with it. Some sites require an up front application fee while others assess a monthly or yearly subscription fee so that you have ongoing access to the features of the site. The listing sites can commission surveys directly or serve as a broker for many companies looking for survey workers.
Go the Offline Route
There are some companies hiring workers to complete paying surveys even if you don’t have a computer or access to the internet. These are the type of surveys that you will see in a shopping mall sometimes. The worker will ask you if you would mind asking a few questions about some product or service. Other paying surveys are done over the telephone. Unfortunately, if you are the one doing the survey you may be seen as just another telemarketer. Sometimes surveys are conducted by calling a business and ordering some product–pizza is an example–and reviewing the quality of the service that you receive with your order. This type of survey is also referred to as mystery shopping.
Be Referred By a Friend
If you are part of a network of people who do paying surveys, you can often find the best survey jobs by a referral from a friend or acquaintance who has completed a similar survey or has worked for the company in question previously. You can take advantage of this in choosing a listing company or a specific survey, but you should never pretend to be the other person for the purpose of completing a survey.
How To Find The Top Paying Survey Jobs
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