Tuesday, January 31

SEO Bible & Tips - Google, Bing, Yahoo!

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This book includes SEO: How to Get on the First Page of Google and SEO: The Seven Tips to Succeed in Google.

You have seen the ads. For just $0.99 you can get a domain. For $9.99 per month, you can start your own website. But what have you found? Have you found your business is not getting Internet sales? Are you somewhere on page 100 in the Google search engine? A myriad of work goes into creating a website that is worthy of Google’s first page. If you want this ranking, you need to be work smarter, rather than work harder.

It takes starting out correctly with your website. There will be trial and error. Most of all, a magic solution does not exist. Any place that is offering something for very little is going to make you work harder to get what you desire for your website. Any company offering to sell you links to improve your website is going to damage your website.

Did you know Google makes about 500 changes to their algorithm each year? Imagine what these changes are going to do for your website ranking, particularly, when Google is attempting to make the user experience superb. Google’s motto is to ensure when anyone conducts a search in Google they see the result they want on the first couple of pages.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has greatly changed even in the last five years. Ten years ago, it was about keywords. The more keywords you used the better. A slow shift towards quality content began and is now in full effect. If you spam your articles with keywords, with low quality content, you will be penalized. If you try to trick Google, you will end up in the black hole for Internet websites.

A few golden rules are needed before you jump into the SEO tips provided in this book:

  • Determine your investment abilities

  • Write quality content

  • Get your website indexed

  • Use keywords appropriately

  • Pay attention to the technical aspects

  • Avoid mistakes others make

The basics of SEO are contained within these pages. However, it is an ever-changing topic, with new rules, tips, and strategies coming out each year. The only way you can keep up with the changes is to pay attention, continue to read about the SEO niche, and keep up with the changes Google makes to improve the user experience.

You have one goal – to increase your income via consumer purchases. SEO practices will help you reach this goal, by helping you get more visitors to your site, but the work does not stop there. You have to have something that entices a consumer to remain on your website. The more time a visitor spends on your site, the more relevant Google will find your website, which will increase your page ranking.

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SEO Bible & Tips - Google, Bing, Yahoo!

The Top Five Ways to Cheat the Government -and How They Will Catch You Doing It


There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is a vein of gold in that old saying. And yet, that doesn’t stop many from trying to get something for nothing. Entire generations have grown up now trained to depend on the government for support whether it be through food stamps, skewed tax credit laws or welfare. The price they pay in dignity, respect and freedom is barely noticed by many of them. And yet, even with those who are truly in need or who truly deserve the help there are many more who look for ways to scam the government for funds.

Each one of them is convinced they have found the fool-proof way to scheme Uncle Sam and in many cases they get away with it temporarily. Though there are many variations on the overall themes, each will generally fall within one of five categories.

1. EIC Fraud

2. “Under the Table” Payroll

3. Falsifying of W-2 or 1099 information

4. Clustered Nest

5. Multi-Level Marketing Tax Evasion Methods


Earned Income Credit is a refundable tax credit meant to help working single parents. Normally, the way a tax credit works (nonrefundable) is that if an individual has paid $5000 in taxes for the year and qualifies for the $10,000 tax credit, they can only receive the $5000 they paid in taxes. If the individual paid $0 in taxes, the tax credit could be as much as $50,000 or more and they would get $0. With the refundable tax credit, the individual isn’t required to have paid taxes to get the earned income credit added to his or her refund amount.

It works on a sliding scale where the EIC climbs up to it’s maximum (usually around $15000 in earned income) and as the income climbs above $15,000 the EIC slides down. Maximum EIC is usually around $5500. Finally at about $28,000, the EIC has decreased to $0. As someone who spent several years preparing taxes in the lower income bracket neighborhoods, let me tell you that there are those whose whole year is planned around receiving this huge check of taxes taken from those who pay them and given to those who won’t. EIC is given only for your first two children from birth to age 17.

The ‘married or unmarried’ couple with four kids will go in to a tax prep office, separate ones if they are experienced at this. And though each lives in the same house, each one claims the Head of Household status, which increases the amount they can deduct off of their taxable income and with each of them claiming EIC they can receive a checks totaling up to $10,000 for end of year tax filing season. The Head of Household is supposed to be for those who are receiving no other support from anywhere else. The Head of Household must be providing for that Household, so if there is a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, parent etc living there, they cannot claim that designation.

These cheats will do this for years before they are caught, but having been caught, they are not allowed to claim EIC for ten years following a fraud investigation. They will then have to pay back incorrectly paid EIC and pay penalties for fraudulent returns on top of that of up to 75% of the amount that the IRS was defrauded.

How They Get Caught

Every time an individual opens a bank account, purchases a car, or rents or buys a home there is a little note made that identifies their Social Security number with that transaction. Obviously someone whose earned income doesn’t reach over $15,500 isn’t going to go buy a $35,000 vehicle, or a $200,000 home. These cheats do not realize that they are putting a huge target on their back that screams, “Audit Me!” to the trained IRS auditors. You can’t have it both ways and claim to make enough income to pay off your purchase on credit and then on another form claim that you didn’t make enough money to pay taxes.

There is a storehouse of this information, and the IRS does take note of logical errors. Example; A man came into my office and told us proudly that he was the father of nine children with seven different women and that his total income for the year was under $3000 and he wanted to claim half of his kids before their mothers did so he could get the refund first. There is no way on this earth that a man on his own can pay for food, rent and gas on $3000 annual income. And he wanted to claim that he supported these children too? He went to prison a year and a half later, but I hear his kids are doing just fine without him.

Under the Table Payroll

Whether it be because the worker is illegally living here in this country or because the employer doesn’t want to bother with payroll taxes, a growing number of small businesses are paying in cash. And since their employer isn’t reporting it, the individual employee sees an opportunity to cheat the government. (In some of these cases, these individuals are engaging in illegal activity through which they make all their cash. Drug dealing, prostitution, etc.)

The first caution here is that this arrangement is illegal. The second is that it is dangerous. Illegal because there are certain state requirements for employment that cannot be met or measured without records. And, dangerous because this is how most employers get around paying worker’s compensation insurance. An injury on a jobsite where all is done ‘under the table’ will usually receive sub-standard care for fear of reporting the injury to a hospital or qualified doctor.

How They Get Caught

In much the same way that those who are cheating EIC, every legal transaction they make puts one more flag on a case that would not have one otherwise. If they are making money they are not reporting, they will have a hard time explaining how they are making $900 a month in mortgage payments when they only claim to earn $500 and that they are the sole provider of support for that household. As the Zen Master would say, ‘all things are connected, and yet not all things are the same.’

Falsifying of W2 or 1099 Information

It is relatively easy to purchase a pack of blank W-2’s or 1099’s and ‘create’ your own income. Usually the cheaters use a legitimate EIN number of a legitimate business that they have worked at temporarily or that a friend or relative has worked at and they create a W-2 that gives them just enough earned income to get the EIC credit. By the time the ruse is discovered, the cheaters have cashed their super fast refund checks and left town. Electronic filing prevents some fraud, but it makes others so easy.

The legitimate business owner then is left to explain why he or she didn’t pay employment tax on these individuals who faked these forms. The IRS seems to move much slower when you are the one who has been wronged. It could mean paying penalties on payroll taxes that were never supposed to be filed anyway.

A lot of those people using this particular scam are illegal aliens and do not have a legitimate social security number anyway, those that are legal citizens, and yet, cheaters anyway, eventually move and forget the crime they have committed.

How They are Caught

Once this particular fraud is forgotten, one day they will have to use their social security number for a job, a loan, or college application. At that point, they are nailed even though it may be five or more years later. Offenses of this type earn prison time.

If it is an illegal that is cashing this check, it makes it more of a challenge. Typically, an illegal does not have a checking account to use to cash this check, so they must go to a check cashing store. It is there that they must produce ID, addresses of references and some employment information. What a lot of people don’t realize is that all the checks you receive and cash have clearly identifiable stamps showing where and when the check was cashed, deposited and processed. If the illegal is still in the same area when the IRS does get up and start investigating, it doesn’t take too much to find them.

The Clustered Nest

Using the same principle in the first EIC fraud of a couple living together in the same place and each claiming Head of Household and EIC for each of their four children, the clustered nest describes what happens when that is taken to extremes. Where there are four or more families within the same residence each claiming HOH and EIC for their group of kids. This is common in heavily Hispanic areas where the families are actually able to get along with each other in close quarters. Often the children are swapped back and forth amongst the relatives to get the maximum benefit of the tax refund.

How They are Caught

In doing background checks there are areas and addresses that are automatic ‘red flags’ of fraud. They are called ‘high risk’ areas, high turnover, a transient population, hotels, apartment complexes, etc. When an address has ever been used as a ‘clustered nest’ where more than one family is claiming residence at the same time, that location is flagged. Eventually the addresses are matched together with dates and times people are claiming residence and sole ownership of the Head of Household title. As long as the entire family moves every three years, they could keep this up for many years. But once an area has been ‘flagged’ so too are any social security numbers using that address.

Multi-Level Marketing Tax Evasion Fraud

Lately there has been a group promoting an old idea they tout as being “new”. This group stems from a MLM that sells legal insurance plans and a big part of their business is in recruiting other representatives. As the steam has gone out of their engine in the past seven years, it is getting more and more difficult to recruit smart people into these pyramid schemes. So their approach has changed to deemphasize the MLM aspect and sell them on the benefits of being able to deduct expenses they already have by opening their own business.

Most W-2 earners as they call them, don’t have time to work 40-60 hours a week and put in another 10 – 20 on an MLM. So the approach is this, let me show you how to deduct those expenses you have now anyway and save you money on your taxes. When you own your own business you do get to deduct losses, home office expenses and a percentage of your utility bills depending on the size of the home office.

So now they have otherwise smart people joining this pyramid MLM group, not to advance within the MLM, but to deduct all the losses they will have pushing these pre-paid legal insurance plans on their friends and family. There are several things wrong with this; First, your business needs to be in operation for the purpose of making a profit, NOT for writing off day to day personal expenses. Second, there are rules and regulations for home office and vacation deductions that these ‘fake tax experts’ don’t bother explaining to their new recruit, which easily lead to the deductions being disallowed and the penalties and fees start rolling in. And third, these so called tax experts are the furthest from being experts that one could be. A weekend training class does not a tax expert make.

How They Get Caught

The chief inspiration behind this devious scheme deftly avoids investigations and prosecutions. The pre paid legal insurance company however, seems to attract investigations constantly. Experts in corporate fraud have cited several red flags that show a company is ripe for fraud to be committed on the corporate level and this particular company is at that point. Since it is difficult to hold the corporation liable for the outlandish claims of its’ sales force, there will continue to be people sucked into this ‘incorporate yourself’ scheme that has been around for over 30 years. The good news is that the eyes of the corporate fraud experts are on them and soon there will be a slip up. Gee, I hope they know a good lawyer.

Source by David S Roberts

The Top Five Ways to Cheat the Government -and How They Will Catch You Doing It

SEO Bible & Tips - Google, Bing, Yahoo!


This book includes SEO: How to Get on the First Page of Google and SEO: The Seven Tips to Succeed in Google.

You have seen the ads. For just $0.99 you can get a domain. For $9.99 per month, you can start your own website. But what have you found? Have you found your business is not getting Internet sales? Are you somewhere on page 100 in the Google search engine? A myriad of work goes into creating a website that is worthy of Google’s first page. If you want this ranking, you need to be work smarter, rather than work harder.

It takes starting out correctly with your website. There will be trial and error. Most of all, a magic solution does not exist. Any place that is offering something for very little is going to make you work harder to get what you desire for your website. Any company offering to sell you links to improve your website is going to damage your website.

Did you know Google makes about 500 changes to their algorithm each year? Imagine what these changes are going to do for your website ranking, particularly, when Google is attempting to make the user experience superb. Google’s motto is to ensure when anyone conducts a search in Google they see the result they want on the first couple of pages.

Search engine optimization (SEO) has greatly changed even in the last five years. Ten years ago, it was about keywords. The more keywords you used the better. A slow shift towards quality content began and is now in full effect. If you spam your articles with keywords, with low quality content, you will be penalized. If you try to trick Google, you will end up in the black hole for Internet websites.

A few golden rules are needed before you jump into the SEO tips provided in this book:

  • Determine your investment abilities

  • Write quality content

  • Get your website indexed

  • Use keywords appropriately

  • Pay attention to the technical aspects

  • Avoid mistakes others make

The basics of SEO are contained within these pages. However, it is an ever-changing topic, with new rules, tips, and strategies coming out each year. The only way you can keep up with the changes is to pay attention, continue to read about the SEO niche, and keep up with the changes Google makes to improve the user experience.

You have one goal – to increase your income via consumer purchases. SEO practices will help you reach this goal, by helping you get more visitors to your site, but the work does not stop there. You have to have something that entices a consumer to remain on your website. The more time a visitor spends on your site, the more relevant Google will find your website, which will increase your page ranking.

buy now

SEO Bible & Tips - Google, Bing, Yahoo!

Be Vigilant and Observant in What and Who You Attract

***Attraction is a funny thing.- Sometimes our energy attracts people, places and events that are not healthy, or have very distorted views of attracting attention or for earning a living. Living in abundance should be done with vigilance, persistence and be careful who and what you attract. Yes, act and attract like who or what you want to attract and hopefully and more often than not, those people and things will come back to you. Life gives us so many miles of unwanted circumstances or trials and reason for caution. Look at the warning signs on the wall, if someone is too eager or anxious and rushes you into making decisions for their own selfish benefit, with no promise of return on your time or investment, don’t proceed,though don’t be a hermit. Be a hero and continue to pursue and or attract what brings you the most peace and rewards your accomplishments- that’s what shows appreciation and respect for what you gave and released- it will come back to you!

Living in abundance is not as difficult as it seems. More than anything it is how you utilize what is already within your own hands or within your own reach. There are so many things by where you can view an opportunity, or a means to earn a living.

Begin to contemplate what drives you to do things, look at and take stock of your current and past actions, versus your past successes and accomplishments. Use examples of daily deeds that require your natural skills, begin using those skills to create work opportunities- you aren’t really working because you are naturally,highly skilled, and perform with passion.

Anytime you enjoy doing what you do is not really akin working at all. If pursuing or doing your passion is effortless and earns you a living, then you are not really doing a job so much as sharing your efforts with others. Enjoy utilizing what is already within you. When work is joy, it’s no longer work, it’s fun!

Whether you have a knack for organizing or a gift for designing, decorating, or you are a winning motivator, share your expression with others. If you enjoy reading and writing you can be blessed to do research. You’ll find it liberating,motivating and also quite engaging.

Engage in what feeds, ingratiates and nourishes your mind. That’s how you learn to be in alignment with your life purpose. Find your living purpose, while still breathing and productively alive on planet Earth. There are so many examples of how following your calling and performing,or doing the habit you enjoy is no longer classified as a skill, job or profession, it’s more of a craft. If what you enjoy sharing or expressing presents you with the opportunity to fulfill your life purpose with ease, then in my assessment, you now have an obligation to teach and share your wisdom with others. Winning your life battles means helping others win their battles too, with the same force,tenacity and drive that you achieved for yourself!

Focused effort,accomplished in clarity and done daily is an amazing work ethic. You can achieve anything and everything that your heart desires by believing that what you do daily is important. Really bringing your heart, head and thoughts in alignment with what brings you peace, release, comfort and internal joy. Pleasing your heart is a smart way to live. Learn to lean more on your heart than on your thoughts and mind.

Knowing how to be in balance with your internal compass is a tremendous achievement. Being heart smart is more than just what you imbibe or digest. Showing importance in what you breathe, in who you engage, and in where you receive counsel is also being heart smart. Be the biggest consultant to yourself, before you allow the advice, input or opinion of anyone else to penetrate your heart. People, other than yourself, need to appreciate you and offer words of kindness, respect and encouragement. If they have self-value, they will readily give and acknowledge the -value of others. There are a lot of deceptive people that prey on the benevolent nature of the people that they meet. They may seek to attain your place in society by theft, exploitation or by their mere high-powered aggrandizement known as insanity. Just because somebody can afford to pay for their forum does not mean that they are legit and operate their business in a lawful and respectful way.

There are more criminals doing radio talks shows or people that claim to work-from-home, though they have extensive international criminal tentacles based hidden fraud and deceit. Not all blogs are for the benefit of the reader. Be careful where you click, download,or on the sites that you use, peruse or solicit for assistance. Some are disguised, or are unknown or appear to be new, though they are the same bad sites or businesses operating again and again in disguise to you. A lot of sites have blogs with content that was ripped-off rehashed or illegally re-routed. They do this to earn a living, a low-life loser that didn’t want to legally and properly pay a writer, or that couldn’t write anything of value by himself.

Be vigilant and aware that you are setting intentions and attracting energy everyday. Be extremely vigilant in who and what you attract. Question, investigate and report people or events that bring you disdain or who disrespect your work, time, effort, reputation or name.

***I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!

Source by Lorie Ann Jermoune

Be Vigilant and Observant in What and Who You Attract

How to Stop Surviving and Start Thriving

The Obstacle Is the Way

You are born to thrive, not just to play it safe in your comfort zone.

You might try avoiding failure because it weakens your self-esteem – although failure is a prerequisite for success.

Ask any entrepreneur or adventurer, and they will tell you failure is essential.

However, I do not wish to embellish this article with positive psychology to make you feel good.

So let’s cut to the truth since something drew you here, whether by accident or as a regular reader.

For many, surviving means getting through the daily grind, only to endure the same battles all over again. This is not living because you are needlessly clutching to life.

I realise you will have commitments and obligations. Mouths to feed, expenses and a mortgage to pay.

Still, there’s a better way.

You may want more, though life can be difficult and challenging at times.

It’s worth reminding yourself, however, that the obstacle is in fact the way.

Some people seem to be thriving under whatever conditions they’re faced with, while we wonder why we are stuck in our predicament.

To thrive means to grow and flourish, not simply to scrape by. This is the premise of the film Groundhog Day, in which a weatherman played by actor Bill Murray, strangely lives the same day over and over again.

No one wants to get by when you have hidden potential waiting to emerge.

“You have everything you need to thrive; you just have to plan for the race of your life. Each person’s journey and process is unique. The key to adopting a disruptor’s mind-set is to honestly assess your internal value chain to overcome every obstacle in the way,” states author Jay Samit in Disrupt You: Master Personal Transformation, Seize Opportunity, and Thrive in the Era of Endless Innovation.

A Shift in Mindset

Those who thrive nurture their personal growth and step outside their comfort zone. Those content to merely survive are happy not to disrupt their lives because of the anxiety and tension involved.

You can use tension and anxiety to give rise to creativity and opportunity.

Thriving requires a shift in mindset and taking chances on occasions.

The key to thriving is recognising you are unhappy and willing to make changes, irrespective of the steps involved.

There is a staleness to surviving, in that you become wearied and discontent. Your soul calls you to venture into the unknown where freedom and good fortune lies.

“Survive first, thrive later: that’s the motto of the lower brain. The well-documented tendency of our lower brain to encode negative, fear-based memories more readily into our unconscious memory than positive ones is referred to as negativity bias,” affirms author Linda Graham MFT in Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being.

No one enjoys setbacks and mediocrity because the human spirit is full of potential and purpose. Life consists of constant change, for it is sewn into the fabric of our lives.

To shift from surviving to thriving, simply begin by attending to your negative thoughts.

Destructive thoughts can run deep into a person’s psyche if left unchecked. Replace the negativity by addressing the underlying beliefs supporting them.

You cannot move from surviving to thriving in days or weeks. Personal development is a journey of self-discovery and the pinnacle of achievement.

You deserve to have more and be more.

But, you must take the first step and move forward in that direction.

Dr. Alex Lickerman reinforces this thought in The Undefeated Mind: On the Science of Constructing an Indestructible Self. “Indeed, the ability to soldier on when obstacles block our way to any goal, whether our life’s mission or our most trivial wish, has to be considered as much a part of resilience as the ability to survive and thrive in the face of adversity.”

Thriving Is a State of Mind

Don’t be concerned getting from point A to B in the shortest time. For as soon as you arrive, there will be another place for you to transition to.

Take responsibility for your life by choosing your conditions, instead of blaming outside circumstances.

As you know, victims are stuck in a despairing mindset, believing the world owes them something. They contend life conspires against them, without realising they create their own circumstances.

It helps to know what you want from life. I’m not talking about superficial things such as the car you drive or house you live in. Yet something deeper: your purpose, what kindles your spirit and makes you come alive?

I realise this is difficult for many to answer. Though it is important to know what is of significance to you.

“When in survive mode, thriving takes a back seat. Although many opportunities might arise for a shift to a positive thriving mode, the brain with this narrowed focus is incapable of registering and capitalizing on them; this is part of what keeps the negative vortex going. Negativity is therefore a self-reinforcing and self-fulfilling mechanism in the brain,” states author Shirzad Chamine in Positive Intelligence: Why Only 20% of Teams and Individuals Achieve Their True Potential and How You Can Achieve Yours.

Thriving is a state of mind in as much as surviving is a negative state of mind. Therefore, shift your awareness from negativity to what is working in your life.

There is nothing novel about surviving. If you remain in this state for too long, your spirit contracts. This is tied to the deeper purpose for your life, regardless of whether you know about it.

We all want to find meaning in our lives. However, if you do not make empowered decisions, you relinquish it to your unconscious desires.

“This old, struggling ‘you’ is not natural or ‘real’. Your higher self is the most natural ‘self’ for you to be. You were meant to thrive. But you’ll only find this out when you take action,” avows Steve Chandler in Time Warrior: How to Defeat Procrastination, People-Pleasing, Self-Doubt, Over-Commitment, Broken Promises and Chaos.

Take small steps without being fixed on the destination. Ultimately, your journey is one of self-discovery.

The journey is filled with highs and lows. The lows help you to master yourself, so you gain lessons significant to your personal growth.

As a final point, refuse to accept negative conditions being permanent. It was Charlie Chaplin who quipped; “Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.”

Knowing you were born to thrive is motivating, since there is more to your life’s narrative than you presume.

It involves merging into a grander version of the life you only thought possible.

Source by Tony Fahkry

How to Stop Surviving and Start Thriving

Ways to Hit the Jackpot in the Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery

The Florida fantasy 5 lottery is definitely one of the best lotteries around in terms of the game, the fairness, and the money, however the odds are always stacked against the player by a whopping 1 in 376,992. Such games are based on a random drawing of numbers; therefore it is impossible for any individual or for that matter computer software to predict the numbers that would be drawn next. So spending money on lottery software, or wheels, etc would be a waste of money and your precious time. In fact you can put your time to better use by spending time in analyzing the numbers released in the drawing. In fact some of the best ways to boost the chances of winning the Florida Fantasy 5 lottery is to play the numbers which have been historically drawn more frequently as compared to the others which have been drawn quite rarely. In short, one needs to play by the proven percentages. A report was published by BESTRACS Consulting, LLC, which has compiled all the winning numbers of the said lottery over the last five years. In the concerned report, the company was able to tell even the most difficult of facts like how many times each of the thirty six numbers were drawn in each of the five mentioned positions on the winning ticket. Apart from this, it was also able to identify the number of times a particular two, three, or four digit combination was repeated and with what frequency.

On the basis of these facts one can easily draft out certain ways by which a winning lottery ticket can be designed. For example, playing 3 odd and 2 even or 2 odd 3 even numbers in any given combination is always welcome as this combination has hit the bull’s eye over 61% of the time in the last five years. Another very hot variation that can be used is that of the low and high numbers (i.e., 2 low numbers (between 1-18) and 3 high numbers (between19-36) or the other way round 2 high and 3 low numbers). This particular combination boasts of a 67% success ratio in the last five years. Some of the don’ts of the processes are also interesting and should be taken into consideration is not playing 5 number combinations that were “hit” quite previously over the last 5 years. Similarly one should also avoid using the same 4 digit number combinations. Also the consecutive number theory is not applicable to the Florida Fantasy 5 lottery.

The all odd or all even number trick is also not trust worthy as more often than not the success ratio drops and this is also evident from the records that indicate towards a 97% losing percentage. In addition to this the all low number or all high number combination is also not very successful historically (i.e., the number on the card). One thing is for sure, if played with concentration and thought, then you might be able to win.

Source by Jared D. Ingram

Ways to Hit the Jackpot in the Florida Fantasy 5 Lottery

How to Start a Welcome Service

First, let’s cover our bases. What exactly is a Welcoming Service? A Welcoming Service serves two purposes: 1.) to welcome newcomers to the area & 2.) to support and market area businesses. This service involves soliciting sponsors from area businesses, creating a pretty gift bag, compiling a list of newcomers and making the delivery. Sound easy? Well, it is, in theory. Putting these ideas to work can be a little more complicated.

Basically, what the consumer (newcomer) gets is a nice, friendly welcome from you & a beautiful gift bag filled with goodies from area businesses. Since Welcome Services are individually owned and operated, you can choose what types of ‘gifts’ you want sponsors to include. Some welcome services allow sponsors to include coupons or generic advertising flyers and such. Other, more selective welcoming services will only allow promotional items or gift certificates. It is generally up to you how to approach this. Some businesses may not have promotional items available, and this might be a chance for you to team up with a promotional items company and earn some commissions from those businesses.

From a consumer standpoint, the advertising that will stick out in their minds will be the gift certificate and promotional items. Those don’t generally end up in the trash like junk mailers often do. I know from personal experience that if I get a nice fridge magnet or a pen, I am not going to just throw it away. Flyers and coupons, in my house at least, get tossed upon arrival. Experienced Welcome Services will usually advise you to stress the importance of actual gifts to your sponsors. That said; please use common sense when approaching the sponsors about their items. You certainly wouldn’t want to lose a sponsor simply because you are too stubborn to bend your rules here and there.

Sponsors are paying to advertise in your bag. A good businessperson will understand the importance of gaining the newcomers as customers. If they can catch them before their competitors do and they provide excellent service, it is highly likely that they will gain a loyal and repeat customer. Most businesspeople will tell you that it is much easier to keep existing customers than to solicit new ones. From my experience, most businesses are very receptive to this idea of personalized advertising.

Think about a time when you were new to an area. What kind of businesses or services were you interested in knowing more about? Doctors, dentists, pharmacies, churches, beauty shops, daycares and plumbers are just a few of the businesses that newcomers will need to know about. I suggest thumbing through the Yellow Pages or even looking at your local Chamber of Commerce’s website to make a list of potential sponsors. The possibilities are endless and you should always be on the lookout for new sponsors. Joining your local Chamber of Commerce is also a great networking tool.

Though prices vary, it is up to you to set a price for sponsors who wish to advertise. You want to be sure you are making a profit after all of your expenses, but at the same time you do not want to overwhelm the sponsors. Another good rule of thumb is to set your prices at a decent rate in order to allow yourself some room to increase that price in following years. Always take into consideration your gas prices, prices for any lists of newcomers you may have to purchase, and gift bag materials. I have seen sponsor prices range anywhere from $2.00-$3.00 per bag delivered.

Another great method of selling your service to sponsors is the monthly delivery list. You should prepare a list at the end of each month detailing your deliveries. The family’s name, address and phone number should be listed here. Not only does that serve as an invoice to the sponsors, it also provides them with a little extra marketing tool. You should ask them not to abuse this information, but they can use it to mail promotional and information items in the future.

When calling upon sponsors it will be important to have a rough estimate of how many bags you will deliver each month. Several sources are available, depending on your area, to find the names of newcomers. In some areas, the water or electric departments area good source. The courthouse always keeps records of new people moving into the area. If you have any connections with real estate agents, those may be good sources too. I know some people who use title companies and pay a monthly fee for access to their lists. If your area has a newspaper with a good website, many times you can find these names and addresses in the Real Estate section. Having a rough estimate of how many newcomers move in monthly will be a deciding factor to many sponsors. Some may not want to spend a lot of money through this form of advertising, while others will want to reach as many people as possible.

I would also recommend having some businesses cards printed up. You can find a few websites that offer free business cards, others are very inexpensive or you can buy business card stock and print them up yourself. It may also be wise to print up some informational letters about your business. Keep it simple and to the point, and use bullets to highlight your services and what it will offer the sponsors. Remember: to businesses, the bottom line is what you can do for them, they don’t really care about the rest.

After you have a good estimate of the number of bags you will deliver monthly and you have some sponsors set up, please be sure to have the sponsors sign a contract. In your contract, you should state the purpose of your Welcome Service, the fee-per-bag, when and how you wish to be paid. You will also need to set up a time on a monthly or weekly basis to meet with your sponsors to pick up their promotional material. Once you have all of your bases covered, you are ready to start putting your bags together.

You can make your bags as simple or as elegant and you wish. I recommend scooping out a dollar store of some kind and find some attractive bags to use. Ribbons and tissue paper should also be purchased and any other inexpensive ornaments you desire to spice up your bags too. You should aim to make your bag attractive, yet don’t go overboard since these expenses cut into your profit. After you have your supplies and promotional items in hand, feel free to arrange your bag in any manner that you see fit. Simple elegance is a sure-fire way to impress just about any newcomer.

It is recommended that you attempt to contact the newcomer prior to the delivery. A quick phone call to say hello and tell them who you are is an easy way to set up a meeting time. If you cannot find a contact phone number, you can always drop the bag off without notice, however, this should only be done in extreme circumstances. Be friendly and open with the newcomer; most will be glad to see a smiling face in an area that they don’t know anyone. They will be very appreciative of your gifts and may even ask you questions about the area. Be prepared for them to ask you some common questions such as shopping centers, daycares, doctors, churches, etc. The point of your visit is not only to bring them the gift bag, but also to sincerely welcome them to the area and make them feel at home.

Your income from this business can vary greatly, but mostly depends on your drive and determination. Don’t assume that just because you live in a very rural area that it can’t work. Likewise, don’t assume that because you are in a metropolitan area that you will breeze through the processes. Take your time in learning about area businesses, look at local newspapers to see who is advertising. Getting a good feel for your market area is a necessary first step. Let’s say for example you are charging $2.50 per sponsor, per bag delivered and you secure 20 sponsors. You have a rough estimate of 20 bags a month to be delivered. Before the costs of the bags and accessories (which should be minimal), you have a gross total of $1,000 per month. That, in my opinion, is a very good income for such a very part time and flexible job. This is just an estimate – profit may be more or less depending on what you put into it.

Source by Jessica Hughes

How to Start a Welcome Service

Monday, January 30

Why We Need to Say Black Lives Matter

I’m going to give you an analogy here. It’s not a perfect analogy, because I’m using the example of children, and Black Lives Matter is not only about children, by a long shot.

Here’s the scene: You’re a white parent of a white boy, now in his junior year of high school in a town of mostly white people. This is a town where kids start in school with each other and are with the same kids all the way through high school-basically, a closed system. In testing all through school, your son came out just as smart as everyone else, and somewhat smarter than some.

The minute your son stepped into kindergarten, almost all the other kids thought it would be fun to tease him until he cried. This went on all through kindergarten, elementary school, middle school. The teasing turned to name-calling, humiliating and eventually, physical violence. And it’s still happening now. In kindergarten, you went to the school principal and let him (it’s usually a him) know what was going on. The principal said, “kids will be kids; he just needs to learn not to let it bother him.” Your son tried to ignore the taunts, but they continued on, getting louder and more frequent. You went to the teachers, wanting to brainstorm ways to let the children as a whole know it’s not okay to bully kids. The teachers said they’d never seen it happening so they couldn’t really call kids out when nothing might be happening. You went to PTA meetings and told the parents what was happening. They said, “It’s just a few bad apples. Our kids are good kids. Maybe your son did something to bring this on himself.”

Over the many years, you kept making the rounds among all these people, trying to get them to see that there was a problem in the way the school was being run. It was always the same thing: something was wrong with your son. He must be bringing this on himself. At the same time as you were advocating for him, he was trying all kinds of methods to cope with it, or make it better, or make it stop. Nothing worked.

You’ve become increasingly frustrated and then angry. Your son has alternated between despondency, frustration and anger. When it continued as he entered high school, he said to himself, “screw this trying to be the “better” person,” and he started to fight back against the people who attacked him physically and verbally. School officials came down on him so quickly and fiercely that you’d have thought he was a terrorist-which, strangely, they started accusing him of being.

Finally, you start yelling to everyone-principal, teachers, parents-“My son matters!” And they go all up in arms. “Every child matters! Your child is not the only one that matters! How dare you!” And now they’re watching his every move. If he looks angry in class, the teacher sends him to the principal who assumes he’s planning to attack the teacher. If someone taunts him and he yells something back, he’s in detention for a couple of weeks. If someone shoves him and he shoves back, he’s suspended from school for a month.

You see where this is going. It’s a closed system and it’s all against your son. There’s nothing he or you can do to get him out of it. The thing is, maybe you and your family could move to another town.

But for Black people, there’s nowhere to move. It’s in the whole country.

That’s why it’s important to say “Black Lives Matter!”

Source by Zoe Zimmermann

Why We Need to Say Black Lives Matter

10 Business Cost-Cutting Techniques

Now more than ever cash is king. Remember businesses don’t go bust they simply run out of cash. You need to get tough and creative with your cash flow strategies. Here’s our 10 business cost-cutting techniques countdown to show you how.

1. Get staff buy in

Cost-cutting tends to be unpopular with staff. However when faced with the reality that their jobs may depend on it they will likely play along. So trust your staff enough to be open about the facts of the situation and the importance of everyone’s contribution. Cash is kind and everyone should to do their bit.

2. Work on your forecasting strategies

Work to improve your ability to forecast your potential future trading numbers. This will better position you to make difficult calls on resourcing levels, marketing and stock inventory through the recession and when the economy begins recovery.

3. Chase your debtors.

Chasing the settlement of an account of a long standing client is always going to be awkward. However, in failing to collect your debts in a timely and prompt fashion you effectively extend your clients an overdraft facility. Banks give overdrafts, not you. So get those outstanding debts collected now.

4. Review Utility costs.

Gas, Electricity and Water bills are some of the highest controllable bills your business will pay. Be sure to regularly shop around for the cheapest supplier and avoid running month to month on estimated meter readings. If you do find that you are owed a rebate become a dog with a bone with that money no matter what the amount. Remember they would treat you no differently if the tables turned.

5. Restrict business related travel.

A large portion of business travel is bore out or obligation rather than necessity. Be open with your clients and establish if your attendance in person is really required. Suggest alternative methods of communication. For example, video conferencing or webcams.

6. Cut the Cost of Debt.

Often expensive and excessive debt is what runs companies into trouble. Get your accounts settled and use a portion of that cash to payoff some of that debt. Shop around with other banks and see if they are interested in taking over the loan. Times are still tough for them but they still need to lend money to the right people so why not try.

7. Automation or repetitive processes.

Decide if you sales transactions could be automated online. Also look into the unpopular decision of possible automation of some manned procedures. It’s hard but remember your businesses health and positive cash flow should be given priority.

8. Consider outsourcing.

If you’re in manufacturing consider sending part or your entire product to Eastern Europe or the Far East. If you deal in the labour markets think about outsourcing certain tasks to India or China. Beware though, outsourcing can require careful and time consuming managing and while reducing direct labour costs can increase your time while regulating output quality.

9. Cut consultants.

Using consultants instead of staff can be a false economy. Having a resource which is only charged for when used is great, but when you do choose to retain their services you will pay for it. Consider if a core member of staff could tackle the same role if given access to appropriate training and support. Alternatively see if you can negotiate a low consultant rate with integrated PRP rate.

10. Cut cost from the top down.

Starting your cost saving strategies with directors first is imperative. Remove senior staff perks. If they really must take that client to lunch then go somewhere which is having a two for one offer. It’s possible to be creative with cost-cutting without looking cheap. These steps are tough but it sends the message loud and clear to the rest of the company.

Managing business costs is everyone in your organisations duty and responsibility. This is never more so than when times are challenging. So use the above points to toughen your organisations resolve and rally the troops behind you in preparation for better times.

Source by Anthony Hartley Denton

10 Business Cost-Cutting Techniques

7 Top Tips to Car Salesman's Or Saleswoman's Success

Given that car sales account for 19% of total U.S. sales in 2000 (source: U.S. Small Business Administration), a lot of people are buying cars which mean that are a lot of people selling cars. Additionally, new car sales have dropped from 63.4% in 1989 to 60% in 1999. Selling cars is not easy given that many still have a negative perception of car salesmen or women. Hopefully, these 7 tips may help you to sell more cars.

  1. First and Foremost YOU need to think of yourself as a business. Car sales people work for an auto dealership, but most work on a salary and commission basis. When your compensation is commission based, this means you have more control of your destiny and should view yourself as a business instead of just a sales person.

  2. Adopt a Planning Attitude. If you do not have a plan, then you are on some else’s plan – usually the successful car saleswoman or salesman. As a practicing performance improvement consultant or coach for the last 10 years, I have observed that most people plan less for their entire lives than they do for a simple visit to the grocery store.

  3. Learn how to prospect. There exists a fundamental belief that the auto dealership is responsible for bringing traffic through the door because the dealership owners have all those “big bucks” for media advertising. Given that 80% of all new sales comes from referrals, would it not make more sense to prospect individually rather than rely on outside resources to control your destiny? Those media efforts usually bring in suspects, not prospects. Use your time wisely by focusing on prospects those who have a need, dollars and are a decision-maker. Don’t rely only on the auto dealer to send out letters. Take the time to write some handwritten notes.

  4. Improve your sales skills to make more money. Today’s buyers are far more savvy than years ago. Learn how to cultivate and develop long term relationships. Consider a proven buying/selling sales process where marketing and selling skills are united to deliver to the desired results of another sold car. New car sales to used car sales are far more relationship based selling than years ago when car sales was a commodity sale.

  5. Establish your sales goals using your great planning attitude. If you are a car salesman or car saleswoman and have 300 customers and the industry average sales cycle is 3 years, then every year you should be selling 100 cars. Focus your efforts of those who will be buying a car this year, but remember to continue to touch those who will potentially be buying another car in 2 or 3 years. HINT: Use the W.A.Y. S.M.A.R.T.criteria for goal setting.

  6. Identify the attitudes or beliefs that are obstacles to your success. Working with those in the auto industry, I have heard countless reasons why sales cannot be made. However, when these reasons are reviewed, they are usually unfounded reasons based upon existing attitudes and beliefs. For example, “corporate has ruined the car industry by posting prices on the Internet. Everyone knows everything about the car.” My response is “if price was a real objection, then everyone would be driving a Yugo or a Chevette. And doesn’t it make more sense to have an educated buyer than an uneducated one when it comes to your time and resources?” HINT: When you change how you look at things, the things you look at will change.

  7. Make managing yourself priority number one. You must learn how to maximize your time especially in the area of time management, ongoing professional development such as through business coaching training and personal life balance. The auto industry is truly a 24/7 business given that cars are with us each and every day of our lives. However, it is important not to lose sight of your personal life including family, friends, physical health, etc.

Yes, you can be an incredible car salesperson who can increase sales through these 7 simple car salesman tips. Just remember, sales regardless of industry is all about knowing your numbers and then multiplying your activity to secure those desired results.

Source by Leanne Hoagland-Smith

7 Top Tips to Car Salesman's Or Saleswoman's Success

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GOOGLE SEO FAST-TRACK: Use the Power of Google & Youtube to Make Affiliate Commissions Online While Still Working at Your Full-Time Job

10 Ways to Pick Up Business in a Down Economy

Remember the bumper stickers back in the nineties that said “Kill Your Television”?

Well, based on all the over simplified economic news coming from the major networks, the financial networks and radio too-it’s something to consider again. No doubt, when the challenges of the current economy are studied in history, a major factor driving the psychology of the event will be the media.

There’s one problem with “mass media”, sweeping generalizations. The broad brush-the it’s everywhere approach-lacks specifics for each of our own backyards.

The result is that a lot of business owners experiencing a slowdown just say it’s the economy. Newsflash, there are companies that make millions of dollars in bad times. So, it can be done. Here’s how:

1. Focus on Your World

The news is a sweeping generalization and has no problem letting us think this is the way of the world. Take a hard look at the reality of your situation:

  • Are you still in business?

  • Are you in foreclosure or in danger of getting there?

  • Do you work in a failed bank or investment firm?

  • Is your industry of field lined up for a bailout?

If not, pay attention to what’s affecting you–not what the media says is affecting us. Do you work. Reposition your produces and services to meet your customers changing needs. Don’t sit on your hands and blame the economy.

2. Protect Existing Customers/Clients

When was the last time you communicated with them without trying to sell them something? Bad idea if it’s been longer than a few weeks. Get a newsletter or ezine going now and a minimum of monthly. Figure our ways you can start right now to show them how you appreciate them. Show them you solve their problems and don’t be a source of their worries or fears. Even better, start making them some great offers the boosts value so they continue to spend money with your business.

3. Install or Crank Up Referral Programs

New marketing is expensive and referrals are far easier and cheaper to get. Your customers are like seeds in an apple. You can focus on how many seeds are in the apple. Getting referrals is focusing on how many apples are in a seed. If your clients like you, then you’re good for the people they like. Make that point clear and get referrals–now!

4. Know Who Buys What

Not all of your customers or clients buy everything you have to offer. Start breaking down your list to who buys what. Now you can sell what they want easier, identify and right buyer for new business. Then create campaigns to cross sell to your client base. No time? List companies can do it for you. Does it work? Well, there has to be a reason Head & Shoulders has 9 different shampoos.

5. Fix Your Customer Service

When business was for the taking, customer service wasn’t very important. Now, a lax customer service is the room where your competitors will drive a wedge between you and your profits (or survival). Conduct a top to bottom review of all the points anyone in your company comes in contact with a customer. Are complaints resolved quickly? Do people show up on time for appointment? Are things ready with a client wants them? Better be 100% sure. .

6. Multiple Marketing Campaigns

I’ve kicked up the sales volume for many a client who they thought what they were doing was enough. After looking at the numbers and facts, they actually had a capacity to do a lot more marketing. Dan Kennedy says, “The most dangerous number is 1.” So if you only have one way to market; what happens when you business slows down? Right, blame the economy because MSNBC says so. Same goes for referral programs–having and executing only one does not cut in today’s business environment.

7. Joint Ventures

Have you ever considered a JV with any business that has customers who fit the same profile as your ideal customers? If you’re a professional I’ll wager there are other businesses in your building that would make excellent JV partners. JVs are like making a sale; you have to ask to get one. Look, after referrals this should be the next avenue you use for new business in 2009.

8. Use Off line Marketing

It’s ironic to recommend that strategy in an ezine article. Online marketing is big and getting bigger. The total RSS feeds, ezines, blogs and landing pages will double in 2008 and do so again in 2009. The number is even larger for emails. That makes older media more attractive because there’s less competition. Direct mail, display ads, inserts, post cards and printed newsletters–when done right produce very profitable results. Don’t give up on an older media just because a new one comes along. Think of ways to go “Old School”

9. Tie In Promotions

Just tying your promotions to the national holidays gives you eleven additional campaigns in 2009. Use any or all of the manufactured events like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, the vernal equinox or summer solstice and you got more than any competitor can think of in a year. Get thee a marketing calendar and start making plans. Of course, you can make up your own reasons for a promotion. If the economy seems crazy, they go crazy yourself.

10. Give More Away

Put the Law of Reciprocity to work for you. Send gifts in the mail, free samples, sweeten offers with bonuses and free stuff. Too expensive you say? Information costs you nothing to give away. Bonus reports and “how to” information goes a long way. Want a great lesson on how to do this? Donate to a charity with a lot of marketing savvy. I recommend the DAV and Covenant House. You’ll help a good cause and get a graduate level education on how to use free stuff. Remember donate to charities you believe in and support.

Any turn down in the economy does not last forever. The trick is to make sure your business can outlast the cycle. Turn off the TV and get to work. Give your competition something more to worry about than a bad economy-you.

Source by Tim Hayes

10 Ways to Pick Up Business in a Down Economy

How to Win the Take 5 Lottery

Take 5 is one of the New York lottery games where you can easily win big bucks with just a few investments. It has the best odds of all the lottery draw games. All you have to do is bet on five numbers from 1 to 39. You can bet on your own combination by filling in the corresponding squares on the play card or you can let the QuickPick machine do the selection for you. You can play for a minimum of $1 per game or up to $5 on the 5-game play card.

The winning combination is drawn via live telecast every 11:21 PM on WABC channel 7. Half of the total sales for the day are allocated to the prize money, so the jackpot accumulates until someone hits it. The largest Take 5 jackpot so far was $825,960.00.

Being a game of chance that it is, increasing your chances in winning the Take 5 lottery is pure logic. Avoid selecting all even or odd numbers because they are less likely to get drawn. Mixture of odd and even numbers has approximately 66% chances of occurring. Also mix the high and low numbers, the low being the numbers 1 to 20 and the high, 21 to 39. Having at 3 highs and 2 lows or 3 lows and 2 highs are 64% more likely to be drawn.

It is also not logical to bet on numbers from one number group. It is very unlikely that a draw would have all single digits, teens, 20’s or 30’s. The same goes with multiples like 2 4 6 8 10 or 3 6 9 12 15 and consecutive numbers like 35 36 37 38 39 or 1 2 3 4 5. A combination having the same last digits like 2 12 22 32 has less than 1% of being drawn.

Winning this lottery game would also entail a little research on its history. Knowing the past winning combinations will give you a hint on the best numbers to bet on. It is proven that numbers that appeared on the last 10 games will have 79% of appearing on the next draw. And numbers that rarely appeared within the last 70 games are worth chasing.

To have a higher likelihood of winning, you may also need to do a simple math. Add up your combination, and make sure that the sum is between 70 and 130. 70% of the time, the total for the winning combination is within that range.

The New York Take 5 is just like any lottery. It is a game of chance. And just like any other game, you can always have that chance on your side if you are diligent enough to analyze how it is played. The odd in winning in this game is 1 in 575,757. It may be a tremendous odd for you. But if you were to think about it, it is best odd in any of the other New York lottery games.

Source by Chris S Malcolm

How to Win the Take 5 Lottery

Lottery Cheats - How to Cheat the System and Win!

Because you are sitting in front of your computer viewing this page, chances are, you’re an eager and regular lotto player who has yet to win lotto prizes. Lottery cheats are some of the most researched items or articles here on the Internet, and it’s easy to understand why: lottery games from all states can be addictive, attracting countless players from all across the country to play the lotto on a regular basis. What you need to understand is that while playing the lottery can be fun and exciting, the real treat lies in winning the lotto prizes – including the jackpot. And unlike what some lotto players believe, you can win the lotto using lottery cheats.

Lottery cheats are not cheats in the real sense of the word. They are not illegal and won’t put you into some kind of federal trouble. In fact, lottery cheats have long been recognized by serious lottery players as the reason why they have higher chances of winning. Cheats at winning the lottery are actually guides on how to win any type of lotto game you choose to play. They offer sensible pieces of advice to increase the likelihood of holding a winning ticket.

One of the most popular lottery cheats that have been patronized for the longest time is the use of wheeling systems. A lottery wheeling system is a very powerful systematic method that allows you to cover as many possible winning combinations as you can. It has been proven many times over that lotto players who employ wheeling systems win more often than lotto players who choose lottery numbers at random. You can find a number of websites that offer free trials for a wheeling system; they usually charge once you get the feel of the system and decide to play for real.

Another common lottery cheat is the use a lotto pool. Joining a lotto pool, also referred to as a lotto club, is an effective way of enhancing the odds of winning. In different states, there are lotto players who come together in order to share the cost of buying lotto tickets; of course, when any of the members of a lotto pool wins, they also share the winnings. A lotto pool can be intimate or vast in size, with the number of members ranging from pairs to thousands. If you have plenty of money to spare, buy as many tickets as you can to boost your chances of winning a prize.

As far as lottery cheats are concerned, statistics experts highly advise against forming lottery combinations in a mathematical sequence and playing patterns on lottery tickets. These acts are sure to reduce your chances of winning because mathematical sequences and patterns are almost never taken into consideration in lottery games. Past winning results show a tendency towards random combinations. If you use a proven system that can efficiently analyze lottery data, such as past winning numbers, trends, and angles, you are more likely to bring home the jackpot prize not just once but as many times as you please.

Source by Matthew Donaldson

Lottery Cheats - How to Cheat the System and Win!

An Easy Guide To Creative Visualization For Lotto - The Second Part

After I explained you in the first part of this article, how to get a small thing you desire so much, using creative visualization technique as a powerful tool, I continue to explain you easy things to do to win some good money from lottery. In this article I will add some specific aspects of it for the lotto field. Developing your full area of vision, including intuition, cooperation with the subconscious mind and creative visualization, you can get anything and everything you desire. For example a nice sums of money from lottery will be easily achievable.

The technique of creative visualization comprehends a clear mental image of your desired outcome and a strong emotion. But it will work well if you have an anterior plan of affluence and fortune for all the areas of your life. You can not use creative visualization just for money only, while you brush aside other domains. There must be a correspondence with your organized personality and a vision of general prosperity.

In the first place, you need a mind of a winner in your day-to-day life. Once you develop a mind of a winner, you will taste happiness for the rest of your life. A mind of a winner is capable of enhancing creativity and offering solutions to different problems. A mind of a winner helps to increase motivation and achieve easily any goal. With a winner mind, it is possible to achieve whatever you want. It really is so powerful. Just go for it.

In order to have a mind of a winner, and before proceeding with visualization, set up a daily meditation habit. Relax, close your eyes and feel the happiness and abundance flow into you. Feel a strong contraction of pleasure into your body and mind and relax again. Energize yourself with waves of prosperity. And relax again. See yourself acting as a magnet. Now magnetize $10,000 and see the money in your hands. Relax again and open your eyes.

A complete mind of a winner, you will have after 28 days of making daily meditation. It is a first hand information. In the meanwhile, all sorts of good things will happen to you. But after you gained that powerful mind, you will add to the same meditation, a supplementary mental image with the money coming from your lottery. To every session of meditation add an extra $10,000.

The more you will meditate, the more you will be open to receive this money. When you feel that you are completely prepared for it, start to buy lotto tickets and in parallel, continue to meditate. In the course of the day, when you do not meditate and when you can find a pause of a minute, repeat in your mind:” look at me, I am able to magnetize money from lottery”. You will be surprised with the result.

Source by Victorya Gold

An Easy Guide To Creative Visualization For Lotto - The Second Part

How to Win Keno Using Tools and Programs

A lot of people have been asking how to win keno. Keno is a game of chances and probabilities involving twenty numbers in a single card. The price of the game has been tremendously increased due to the hard chance of hitting the right combinations. The object of the game is to get as many correct numbers as possible from over a hundred digits. Hitting one number would allow a person to automatically win a price. As the number of winning digits increases, the prices become better. In order to win, the person can choose a set of numbers that has a high probability of appearing.

A keno cracking software has been distributed all over the internet to derive the set of numbers that has a high chance of winning. The software has evaluated and analyzed the previous numbers which have been picked. This is necessary in order acquire the pattern involved in the lottery. Every numbers game has a pattern governing the probability and chances of a person to win. The people involved should be observant and attentive when playing in order to find the right set of numbers. Keno is similar to a raffle since the numbers are drawn from a set of numbers ranging from 1 to 100. The consumers are asked to pick at least 20 numbers. In order to win, the combination of numbers should match the digits acquired in the raffle.

People should bet a considerable amount of money when it comes to Keno. The price which can be won in Keno would be based on the initial bet. The bet would be multiplied by the number of digits correctly acquired plus a 0. For example, if a person bets 300 dollars and wins 10 digits, the bet would be multiplied by 100. The person would win 30000 dollars. This is very substantial compared to other raffle games in the market. The consumer should bet wisely in order to maximize the amount of money which can be won.

The Keno winning software is one of the most reliable software in identifying and finding the values that would appear in the state wide raffle. Only a small number of people have been using the software since most people would prefer to randomly guess and use numbers with meaning such as birthdays and anniversaries. But these numbers have a very low chance of winning.

The software analyses and evaluates all the previous winning combinations using the information found in the database of the Keno internet site. The Keno winning software receives updates regarding the latest information and data which can be used to choose and pick the best combination of numbers. The software can recreate a virtual raffle repeatedly without any problems. At most, the raffle is repeatedly held a thousand times in order to find the set of numbers with a high probability of winning. The previous winning combinations have been excluded since the same number winning twice would have a very small chance. This is one of the best solutions on how to win keno raffle games.

Source by Chris M. Malcolm

How to Win Keno Using Tools and Programs

Hustler Vs Entrepreneur - Which One Are You?

To hustle or not to hustle?

Currently the use of the word “hustler” is thrown about as a positive way to describe oneself as having an entrepreneurial streak, or starting a new business.

From the 1800s, hustler meant “thief”, and in particular, someone who was aggressive with their victims. Nowadays, the dictionary still holds this definition true, describing a hustler in a negative light: a thief or criminal; a gold-digger or prostitute; an overly pushy salesman (OED, 2015). In modern music (mostly ghetto rap), “to hustle” refers to a way of making money and doing it against all odds. Maybe the latter is where startups are drawing their inspiration from?

Hustlers work for immediate gratification to obtain cash-flow, without a long-term vision. It’s about a foot in the door, a constant drive to keep making the money – it’s all about making the next sale.

As an entrepreneur myself, I would NEVER like to be referred to as a “hustler”.

Why hustle when you can “undertake enterprise”?

Being an entrepreneur may involve overcoming odds and making money, but it’s definitely NOT hustling. Startup entrepreneurs find ways of making money, but do so ethically and in terms of a defined growth strategy. Entrepreneurs build a business, own the business, delegate, strategize, and think ahead. They link things – they are connectors: businesses, ideas and people. Entrepreneurs create systems, contingency plans, they develop others, and (probably most noteworthy) entrepreneurs consider exit planning.

The actual meaning of entrepreneur?

It stems from Old French, “to undertake enterprise”. What’s enterprise? Well, that’s work. The characteristics of an entrepreneur were added in the 15th century: a person with “adventurous disposition, readiness to undertake challenges, and a spirit of daring” (Harper, 2015). In recent definitions, “One who undertakes an enterprise; one who owns and manages a business; a person who takes the risk of profit or loss” (OED, 2015).

Which side of the coin are you on?

Hustler vs Entrepreneur…

Semantics matters

Words change in meaning across time – that’s a common thing. But shifting from a negative use to a positive usage (pejoration to amelioration) is very rare. Between entrepreneur and hustler, we need to reflect. From a linguistics perspective, something to watch here. From a new business perspective, you should decide which side of the coin you’re on.

I guess the choice lies in this –

Are you undertaking an ethical enterprise as owner and manager, with adventurous disposition, readiness to undertake challenges, spirit of daring taking risks of profit and loss?


Then you’re an entrepreneur NOT a hustler.


Direct references:

-Harper, D. (2015). Etymology Dictionary Via http://www.etymonline.com/

-OED – Oxford English Dictionary (2015). Via http://www.oed.com/

Source by Autumn O’Connor

Hustler Vs Entrepreneur - Which One Are You?

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A Dysfunctional Stepfamily Is Emotionally Unhealthy

A dysfunctional stepfamily results when a dysfunctional first family transitions into a stepfamily, by either cohabitation or marriage. Additionally, two healthy first families can produce a dysfunctional stepfamily, by cohabitation or marriage, if they have unrealistic expectations or don’t know how to make a cohesive stepfamily from two different families.

Stepfamily dynamics begin the minute a single parent becomes seriously involved with a partner and the new partner starts interacting with the kids. A stepfamily is formed when the single family and new partner move in together (cohabitate) or get married. A single family refers to either a never-married parent or a couple who is divorced, widowed, or separated but not legally divorced. Of course, this includes any adult, regardless or marital status and without children, who become seriously involved with a single parent.

The definition a dysfunctional first family has evolved over the decades due to societal trends, and it varies by researcher or statistic-gathering team. Here, I am referring to a dysfunctional family as a family unit who is emotionally or physically unhealthy. This includes sexual abuse. Unhappiness is entirely different. Unhappiness refers to an emotion, whereas emotional health refers to a state of being or a state of mind. It is a long-term situational condition, whereas happiness is temporary. One’s happiness can change in minutes, hours, or days. An unhealthy living environment is ongoing. A person can be happy in an unhealthy environment or unhappy in a healthy environment.

A happy person in an unhealthy (dysfunctional) family may mean he/she is unaware of its condition. In most cases, this would be a young child who may not be a target of unhealthy attitudes, not exposed to them, or simply doesn’t comprehend what is going on. There are also many cases of adults who don’t know if their living arrangement is unhealthy or warrants leaving. They don’t want to be deemed a failure for quitting. Some people don’t recognize the warning signs because they can’t see the forest through the trees. Others don’t recognize red flags because they were raised in a similar dysfunctional environment. Adult children of divorce are more vulnerable to dysfunctional relationships because their parents were unable to model a healthy relationship. These are only a few possible explanations for becoming or joining a dysfunctional family. Researchers have come up with many more.

Divorce does not automatically beget dysfunction. Many single parents do a phenomenal job raising their children in a very healthy atmosphere. Respect, hospitality, and genuine concern for others are commonplace. Raising children without shame and not speaking poorly of the other parent keeps the child’s self-esteem intact. A positive environment is a matter of perspective and demeanor. Hence, dysfunction is unrelated to marital status or family structure.

How does somebody figure out if they are in a dysfunctional relationship? Moreover, how does one decide when it would be better to leave? Disagreements, miscommunication, and unhappy times exist in healthy relationships. Couples in them try to ignore occasional unresolved issues. Nobody can be happy all the time. Everybody has bad days. All children test their parents and try to get away with something wrong. They don’t always listen or obey. Many parents argue about how and when to punish their children. Therefore, the mere existence of these ordeals need not be examined closely.

Dysfunction is characterized by an excessive amount of arguments, unresolved issues, and unhappy times. Depression, addiction, and other behavioral or personality disorders are often found in members of a dysfunctional family. Gottman and Markman derived the Four Horsemen to narrow down why relationships fail: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. These qualities are indicators to re-evaluate your method of resolving conflict.

Ask yourself the following questions to help you determine if you are in a dysfunctional relationship. Then rate your answers with the frequency: never, rarely, sometimes, most of the time, or always.

  1. Do you care if arguments are resolved?

  2. Do you enjoy spending time with your partner?

  3. Does your partner make you smile by doing any of the following: complimenting you, doing something nice for you, say thank you/show appreciation, or remember special occasions?

  4. Do you feel comfortable discussing personal concerns with your partner?

  5. Do you feel that you and your partner are a team working together?

If you answered most of the time or always to 3 or more questions, congratulations! You are in a healthy relationship. If you answered sometimes or rarely to 3 or more questions, you are susceptible to unhealthy communication patterns. I suggest taking measures to improve communication or boost romance with your partner, such as taking a class through your church or finding a common interest in a couples’ social group. Reading books or doing research on the internet would be beneficial. If you answered never to 2 or more questions but did not answer most of the time or always to any question, I strongly suggest doing some soul-searching and getting a professional opinion. These questions are only a guideline to set you in the right direction. You are the only person who can determine the best environment for you. If you are in doubt, please seek professional advice. Many professionals offer evaluations or feedback for free.

Source by Judy Graybill

A Dysfunctional Stepfamily Is Emotionally Unhealthy

Snow Blindness: Symptoms, Prevention, & Treatment

What Is Snow Blindness?

Snow blindness is a condition where the eyes have been exposed to too much of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays, it is also call photokeratitis. It is a painful condition and people who are travelling outside in snowy conditions/terrain, such as across a snowfield or in a high-altitude winter location and not wearing the correct eye protection are most at risk from this condition. Snow blindness can affect people that live in snowy environments, such as the polar regions, and it can also affect people that undertake outdoor activities in snowy conditions like skiing, hiking, snowboarding etc. It is advised to protect the eyes from snow blindness that people wear sunglasses or snow or glacier goggles that fully block out the sun’s UV rays. The sun’s UV rays can burn the cornea which causes photokeratitis in the above-mentioned conditions. People may not notice the effects of photokeratitis for numerous hours after the exposure to the sun’s strong rays.

What Are the Symptoms of Snow Blindness?

There are various symptoms of photokeratitis but they can include eye pain, blood shot eyes, excessive tearing, and eyelid twitching which cannot be controlled. One of the most common symptoms if feeling gritty or sandy eyes and in severe cases the eye can swell shut. As previously mentioned pain can be felt with snow blindness, this is caused by inflammation to the cornea from the lack of eye protection or insufficient protection to the sun’s UV rays. In some cases, photokeratitis, can cause loss of vision temporarily and in severe cases of repetitive exposure to the sun’s UV rays can cause permanent loss of vision.

How to Prevent Snow Blindness

People in snowy environments need to take correct measures to avoid snow blindness such as;

Sunglasses – sunglasses need to block out the sun’s UV rays efficiently from all angles, and sunglasses with 100% UVA and UBA protection would be recommended. Wrap-around or full coverage sunglasses would also be preferred as light needs to be prevented from getting in at the sides of sunglasses if travelling in snowy conditions/environments.

Glacier Goggles/Sunglasses – these are an alternative to sunglasses if struggling to find full coverage sunglasses. They look and fit like a normal pair of sunglasses but they have material at the sides and bottom to prevent the sun’s UV rays from getting in. The lenses of these goggles are normally mirrored and polarised, which are darker than average sunglasses.

Snow/Ski Goggles – snow and ski goggles are very good for people in snowy conditions and are great if the conditions get windy or if there is a blizzard. Unlike sunglasses and glacier goggles/sunglasses, snow and ski goggles fit tightly around the eyes and give complete eye coverage. Again, lenses that are mirrored or dark would be recommended so they can be worn in sunny conditions and prevent snow blindness.

What Is the Treatment of Snow Blindness?

If there are any signs of photokeratitis the person must be removed as quickly as possible from the sun’s UV rays and any reflective surfaces. If available, then going inside a dark room or tent would be ideal. If contact lenses are worn these must be removed, place a dark cloth over the eyes and no do rub or touch the eyes. If close enough to a town or city it may be a good idea to head to an eye clinic or ophthalmologist, especially if there is ongoing pain. If this is not possible, then placing a cool compress on the eyes can help reduce pain. Snow blindness can take around 1-3 days to heal if kept indoors away from the sunlight and completely covering the eyes with eye pads or other material to completely block out light can help quicken the process. It is also important to visit an eye doctor once available, even if the snow blindness has healed, as they will check the eyes for any long-term damage the snow blindness may have caused and give any advice to reduce the chance of it happening again.

Source by Samer Hamada

Snow Blindness: Symptoms, Prevention, & Treatment

How To Be A Leader With Email Marketing

If you are serious about online success, you need to get serious about your online marketing strategy. An email marketing campaign can be the best way to start attracting your target market, so you need to know the right things to do. This article lays out effective tips for making your email marketing plan what it needs to be.

Do you want to be known as a spammer? Your emails will be considered as spam if you send them to people who did not sign up on their own. Your IP address could be blacklisted if there are complaints of spam and it could also give your business a bad rap.

If you have a client who has a birthday, make sure that you send a follow-up email that includes a happy birthday message on it. Include a request on the email that tells this person to go to a particular place. The ending can include a link that tells him or her that it is possible to become a subscriber by clicking on it.

Before sending out emails to your subscribers, try to let them know what you will be sending them and how often they can expect to hear from you. This way, they know when to expect your email and they can prevent it from getting automatically sent to their spam folder.

Provide subscribers with a way out. Place an “unsubscribe” link in your emails or on your website to allow them to remove themselves from your list. You should also set up your list to cull itself by removing subscribers after a particular number of messages prompt no response or action from the recipient. This prevents your emails from becoming annoying to disinterested subscribers and preserves your image.

Keep your content current and variable; do not just repeatedly send out the same five messages repeatedly. If you want to keep people’s attention, there needs to be something fresh, or their attention will go elsewhere. If they wanted round the clock commercials, they would just stay at home watching home shopping channels. Even if some of them do that, give them something different when they check their inbox.

It is very common for people to view the Internet with cell phones instead of using a full-sized computer. Since this is the case, you should make it so that the width of any email you send out is easily viewable by mobile phone. You should also make sure to do the same to your landing page.

To get the best results from your email marketing campaign, test your messages thoroughly before you send them. Do not just type up a quick message and blast it out to your subscriber list without checking it carefully first. Preview it in different email programs and on different platforms to make sure it will display properly for everyone.

Apply the tips in this article so you can create a strong, effective email marketing plan. Don’t neglect the other methods of marketing your business, but know that your email campaign can be a strong way to get you where you want to be on the internet, and in your business.

Source by Kurt A Tasche

How To Be A Leader With Email Marketing

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