Saturday, April 30

Role of Sponsored Posts in Social Media Marketing

Going through my Facebook and LinkedIn, I often times come across an interesting snippet from a page that neither I nor my friends have liked or shared; called as “Sponsored.”

Social Media platforms have enabled marketers to feature their posts right in the middle of your feed. This targeting happens on the basis of geography, age, gender, income groups, socio economic groups, spending habits and general interests.

Social Media Marketing brings with it the benefit of filtering your target audience down to the niche your company is targeting.

Whether a company is dealing with B2B or B2C clientele, being online on various channels has become imperative to business owners. One may have a website but it needs to well place in the parameters of SEO set by Google.

When we speak about Social Media Marketing there are various benefits that businesses can employ for the wellbeing of their company.

  1. Target Audience filtering: From Age groups, genders to income groups, geographical areas, interests and spending habits all can be filtered so that an advertisement is shown only to the relevant consumer in focus for that particular campaign.

  2. Control on Spending : A choice of how much needs to be spent on each campaign can be monitored giving more weightage to the cash cows of your business

  3. Better ROI: As compared to SEO, which requires a long time and monotonous efforts to bring results, Paid campaigns give instant results.

  4. Branding: With continuous social media marketing efforts a new enterprise can build a Brand presence as their ads can be seen on multiple platforms giving a single message.

  5. Enhanced User Interaction: As Social Media Marketing can have the ability to touch a larger target audience with specific CTA buttons that probes the user to interact with the company. A uniform message and detail oriented language uniformity, when maintained can drive interested consumers to final customers.

Content formulation, use of high quality visuals and placements play a major role in effective Social Media Marketing. Maximus Leads an SEO Company in Pune, houses industry experts in Social Media Marketing.

An experienced eye, continuous monitoring of Social Media Platforms’ updates and understanding user perspective creates result oriented effective social media marketing campaigns that fulfil immediate commercial objectives of a company.

Social Media Marketing most imminent benefit is that it drives convertible leads to your website which enhances business performance in the long run. Which is what every business owner wants, don’t you agree?

Source by Sandip Sharma

Role of Sponsored Posts in Social Media Marketing

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