Saturday, April 30

Success With Facebook and Social Media Marketing

When you have ample options for social media marketing, how do you know that Facebook is the network to focus on? Through complete analysis, it has been shown that Facebook visitors are more devoted not only to their site, but to the promotional efforts of marketers. They edge out other social media sites with a loyalty based visit statistic. With 20% of Facebook users returning, utilizing, and responding to social marketing techniques, the site carries the highest percentage of loyal users in the business. Even Twitter only comes in at about 11% of loyal users.

Promoting Facebook Pages with Fans

Facebook combines the power of social marketing with viral marketing through a fan base. If you have one person who becomes a fan of your site you aren’t just promoting to that single person. If they have 50 friends, those 50 friends area also privy to your marketing, and thereby you reach a much higher ratio of individuals through this type of social network marketing. Encouraging users to become fans through free giveaways, raffle drawings, and other simple incentives is the fastest way to build up your fan base.

Fans should also have the exclusive right to provide their opinion. One of the benefits of becoming your fan is that the fan base gets to interact with you through polls, feedback ratings, and if appropriate, special quizzes.

Social Media Interaction

While it is true that the more fans you have the more opportunity you have to build up a loyal consumer base. However, don’t forget that Facebook is an interactive experience. You need to give your fans a reason to keep coming back and to continue their online relationship with your site.

The only way to do this is through conversation. If your fans are leaving comments, make sure you take the time to read them, respond, and toss out engaging ideas that will encourage others to respond. You don’t have to respond to every single post, but try to find common threads so that each response ends up being targeted at several people. Choose different users to respond to.

Is this time consuming? It takes a certain amount of daily time commitment. Yet remember that with each message or response you are reaching more people than you’re aware of.

Unless your site is intentionally controversial, avoid controversial topics. If you are selling dog paraphernalia, refrain from getting into political arguments, religious views, and other hot button topics unless they are directly related to your site. While choosing a hot button topic might cause a significant increase in your initial responses, hot button topics bring up strong emotions. You run the risk of losing the loyalty and involvement of anyone on the other side of the political or religious fence.

Keep your conversation genuine and relevant. You’re not looking to spam your fans just to communicate with them. Offer them something that they can find valuable or entertaining. Again, going back to the dog paraphernalia website, offering up the latest news and information on dog health, dog interest stories, and dog training tips is useful to your fans.

Facebook does allow you to create messages that are demographically specific. Take the time to separate your fans into their appropriate demographic in order to be able to write through specific messages that will relate to them.

It’s not uncommon to find people who are known as online hecklers. These are users who want to incite other users by leaving posts that are off color, or downright offensive. The easiest way to deal with this is to leave a disclaimer that reminds users that you have the right to remove such posts, and then follow through. Block the user if you feel it is necessary. Don’t get carried away. Your fans are not going to appreciate a lot of editing. They love the First Amendment and start to take it personally when they feel that they are being exploited and then exposed to censorship.

Facebook offers ample tools for creating a positive social marketing experience. The site continuously comes out with new tools all the time and you should be ready to familiarize yourself with such tools and use them as often as appropriate.

Be Accessible and Easy to Find

It’s actually easier to be found on Facebook than many people realize. With the appropriate use of well placed keywords (including inside your content, posts, and titles) you can be located through a simple search. Without keywords you are not likely to be found through active searching.

Keep people talking. The more your users are able to interact with you the more you will be able to spread through their friends and their friend’s friends.

Don’t be afraid to occasionally tell people you want them to respond. Tell them, invite them, and encourage them from time to time that you want them to spread the word about your site and your interests. Asking for bloggers to help extend your audience is normal and expected provided it is not done in every post. They

Now Pay Close Attention —

Using your Facebook Fan Page to increase your business exposure and revenue is simpler than you’ve been told. Everyone with a facebook fan page faces the same two problems:

[Problem #1] How To Find Interested Facebook Users

[Problem #2] How To Bring Them To Become Your Fans

Facebook Fan Supply has been solving these two problems for hundreds of satisfied customers. The Facebook Fan Supply has been tried and tested and known to produce excellent results.

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Source by beres bable

Success With Facebook and Social Media Marketing

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