Friday, December 23

How to Know He's Interested - 8 Easy Suggestions Exposed

Today’s dating scene is not as transparent as the environment from decades ago. With constant communication via text, Facebook, Twitter and IMs, it can be difficult to tell if guy likes you or is just being a player. Watch for the following signs to discover how to know he is interested.

Body Language

If a guy likes you, he will often demonstrate his interest by his body language. He may lean toward you, cross his arms if you talk about other guys or finds excuses to get into your space.


A guy will often make up excuses to touch you if he is interested in you. He may rub your shoulders, caress your face, place his hand on your knee, not retract his leg if it touches yours or place his hand on top of yours.


If a guy suddenly increases how often he contacts you, he could be crushing. For example, if he used to post on your Facebook page once a week, but it is now a daily occurrence, this means that he is spending extra time on your page and is checking you out. If you and he have a friendly relationship, but he now wants you to go out with him to various places, he could be wanting to change your relationship into a romantic one.


A guy that is interested in you may try to impress you. He could do this by citing factual information to appear more intelligent, tell a series of jokes or pull some stunt. He may also alert you to financial successes to prove that he is a stable force and someone that you should consider.


If you are on a more personal level with a guy and you ask him for a favor, he will deliver. He may view this promise to you as a test to see whether he is a dependable person. If he says he will call, he will call. If he promises to be somewhere at a certain time, he will be there.

Eye Contact

If a guy is really interested in you, he will constantly make eye contact with you. You may also notice that he remembers small things that you said during an unimportant conversation. You may also catch him looking at you and then quickly averting his gaze when he sees that you caught him.


Although it may seem counter intuitive, sometimes when a guy likes you he will insult you. He may start out by complimenting you and then follow up with an insult. This is because some advisers for male dating suggest this strategy and, unfortunately, it kind of works. When a guy insults you, this may drop your confidence for a moment and then you will want to be raised back up and receive validation.

Third Parties

Sometimes when a guy likes you, but is afraid of rejection, he may send a friend to feel the waters and determine if you are interested in him, too.

Source by Anna M Perkins

How to Know He's Interested - 8 Easy Suggestions Exposed

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