Sunday, January 15

How to Excel in Telemarketing and Cold Calling

To be good in telesales, you must undergo sales training just like you train hard in order to excel in a particular sport. If you want to get far in your chosen career as a telesales professional, you have to have the discipline in cold calling to get to where you want.

You have to embark on a training program in order to become successful telesales professional. A regular regimen of the latest cold calling techniques and strategies from the experts should put you on the right course and be considered among the cream of the crop in the telesales world.

Having the right mindset. Your heart and mind should be focused on attaining the goals you have set out for yourself. To help you achieve your goals, you have to associate yourself with the right people. Mingle with the crowd that has goals similar to yours. This not only facilitates the exchange of ideas, but it also fosters healthy competition. Take every opportunity to learn from others. Read books related to telesales, telemarketing and cold calling. Discipline yourself in all aspects to become a telesales professional in the truest sense of the word.

Get the right motivation. As with any undertaking, you won’t get far if you don’t have the motivation. It is the single most important ingredient that drives you to achieve your goals. Spend time to ponder on what the most important things to you are and what you really want. If you want to be a proud owner of a brand new car more than anything else, then set yourself out to make that dream a reality. But make sure that the goal that you set for yourself is achievable.

Build yourself up using a training program. You have to understand the sales process very well so you can set up a guide to follow that will help you reach your goal step by step. Your sales training should consist of manageable parts each representing an important aspect of the sales process and then work on each one by one.

A simple guideline for you to work on is as follows:

a. Opening statement – Prepare an opening statement that captures the attention and interest of your prospect.

b. Sales presentation – Present yourself as an expert on the product or service that you are offering. Highlight all the benefits and features of what you are offering.

The guideline above can be broken down into subsections which can be areas that you can focus on.

Source by Heindrich Churchill

How to Excel in Telemarketing and Cold Calling

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