Monday, January 9

How to Win at Bowling Tournaments: Tips and Techniques

What exactly is it that makes bowling so special?

For one, it’s a sport that just about anybody can participate in. Relatively it is much easier to play than others involving more specialized skills. It is also a lot more cost-efficient than most of the alternatives and is a lot of fun even for complete beginners.

It’s not a surprise that nearly 100 million people have become “hooked on” the sport of bowling!

While not all of these people are competitive, there is a large population of bowlers who do desire to play in a league and/or tournament setting. In the U.S.A, about 1/7 of the total bowling population are involved in a league or have participated in a tournament.

What exactly is a tournament?

A tournament is an organized competition for bowlers who face off to see who can score the highest. While there are a variety of specific formats, all of them involve playing for both personal satisfaction as well as monetary rewards.

Winning one is always going to be a challenge, but here are a few specific strategies that will greatly help out.

1. Give yourself time to be sure you have packed up every piece of equipment you will need during the tournament so that when the time draws near, you can focus on the game.

2. Maintain a professional image

You should arrive at the alley with plenty of time to spare (no pun intended) so you can keep a relaxed mentality towards the venue, fans and competition.

3. Give Yourself a Proper Warm-up

Undergoing a series of exercises before the game can do wonders for both getting your muscles loose and prepared for the competition. Just because bowling isn’t a full-contact sport doesn’t mean you can ignore this part of the preparations.

4. Stay focused

Maintaining your cool and keeping a level head is crucial in a tournament situation. Becoming upset during a bad string of frame is only going to make a bad situation worse. Tournament champions are the ones who are able to fight back against adversity and maintain a positive outlook throughout the competition.

Source by Joseph Dixon

How to Win at Bowling Tournaments: Tips and Techniques

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