Sunday, January 15

Kale for Breakfast? How to Get Your Toddler Eating This Superfood!

Toddlers can be very finicky eaters, and many of us are all-too-familiar with the struggle to get them to eat their veggies! But there are so many benefits to their physical and mental development if you can convince them to step away from the Pop-Tarts and enjoy healthy foods. Especially for breakfast (the most important meal of the day!), and especially superfoods: in particular, kale!

Over 62% of all North American households eat kale more than once a month. It’s rapidly risen in the last decade from a rarely seen elite ingredient to a favorite healthy snack. It’s low-cal, high-fiber and no-fat, and the fiber content makes it an excellent breakfast staple (keeps you regular, too!) It’s also chock-full of nutrients like folate, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins A, C and K. And it might surprise you to learn that it actually has more iron per calorie than beef! Just make sure that they drink some juice that’s high in Vitamin C so that they can maximize the iron they absorb from it.

Now, you’re probably thinking “sounds great, but how do I get my toddler to eat it?” Well, kale chips are a family favorite, and they’re probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of kale: you’ve probably seen them in supermarkets. Of course, chips aren’t usually associated with a healthy breakfast, but if you make them in a dehydrator (or check the nutritional information on the store-bought chips) they’re both delicious and nutritious, and a great introduction to kale – toddlers aren’t likely to say no to anything with the word “chips” in it, after all!

Kale’s also great in egg dishes, such as omelettes or quiches, and you can even make fritters or latkes with them. Once your toddler has got used to the taste, kale is also a great addition to salads.

If your toddler is quite a fussy eater, and you tend to have to sneak veggies into their meals, you’ll be glad to know that kale can be added to a smoothie or juice without having an overpowering taste: strawberry pineapple kale smoothies are a particularly tasty breakfast option that will give your little one a spring in their step and give them the nutritional boost they need to face a busy day of running amok.

So why not give kale a try? This superfood might turn out to be their new favorite food!

Source by Lara Silbert

Kale for Breakfast? How to Get Your Toddler Eating This Superfood!

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