Saturday, January 28

Need Help Writing Your First Poem?

I once read that “The art of Writing Poetry can be in a form which is as simple or as complicated as you wish,” this is true.

So, for those of you who don’t know where to start with writing poetry, your feelings, or short story my suggestion would be to start by writing something short and sweet. Something you have interest in or like and try to keep it as simple as possible. I started with short stories when I was younger. Little poems like a haiku (a Japanese poem) which have a format to follow and many others, I will explain in more detail later. For now, just think about things that interest you, hobbies, or even people you admire. Your imagination is your only limit. The reasoning behind starting off small is so that you can get the feel for what you are doing, and to make yourself feel comfortable doing it. There are many forms available for public use. The simplest that comes to mind is a haiku, of which I will walk you through.

Beginner’s steps:

Haiku (Japanese Poem)

A Haiku is an un-rhyming verse format. Describing an image or feeling in three lines that are “usually” about nature or natural things. Although remember I told you there is no wrong or right, when it comes to poetry. Now a Haiku in Japanese is made up of 3 written lines. A total of 17 syllables, the first line will contain five syllables, the second has seven, and the last has five. If you don’t know what a syllable is the best way I found to learn or teach my students is by clapping out the word. Clap while reading the words and however many times you clapped should be the amount of syllables, if done right.


1st step: Pick a topic. I’m going to choose flowers.

2nd step: What do you think about or how do you feel when you think about your topic? I think about vibrant colors, spring, love, gifts…etc.

3rd step: Put your thoughts into words. Don’t forget to check your syllables for this poem!

The gift of flowers (5 syllables)

Sweet, beautiful smell of love (7 syllables)

Blossoms in the Spring (5 syllables)

4th step: ENJOY what you wrote.


The gift of flowers

Sweet, Beautiful, Smell of love

Blossoms in the Spring.

Another beginner’s step you can do is practice rhyming. There are many rhyming dictionaries available to you. But, that should help you practice your own little limerick.

There are many types of poetry out there! I found this website to be helpful, ( there are also detailed descriptions of the many types. You can never learn enough! So keep re-searching until you feel like you understand it a little and feel comfortable enough to write your first draft of written art work.

Once you have finished writing your short story, poem or whatever it is you chose you should now have a grasp on the concept. Now, when you feel that you are ready to begin writing. You should have a goal set in place. Whether it is your journal, a poem for your significant other or just a simple “entry” of your feelings (that is all a poem really is.) I have written poems and stories from my personal life situations and feelings, as well as others some that were factorial and some fictional. Like I said your only limit is your imagination.

So when you have that idea of what it is you want to write about it is time to think about how you want your feelings to format on paper. You can follow many other formats used today (which you can also find on the website above) or you can make your own. The beauty of poetry is there is NO right or wrong! You can spell things however you want and say things however you feel at the same time the poem is documented. Ultimately it is up to you I am here to just give you that extra push and to somewhat guide you into your first journey as a poet.

The best poems I find are of deep passionate expression of one’s true feelings written out for the world to see. I seem to be able to express my feelings best when I am at my peek of emotion. Whether I am frustrated, irritated, lonely, happy, or in the moment of love…etc. As soon as something happens that makes me feel strongly I write about it. So my advice to you is to “just write.” Once you get the concept and have done enough short stories or poems, just write. Write anything that you feel or something you experienced. Make it your own. And Good luck!

If you are having trouble finding formats the following may help as well. (

Many of the formats at this site seemed to be ideal for beginners.

I’d like to say congrats on writing your first poem! Remember there is no right or wrong way to go about your poetry. It is utilized to express who you are and what you feel. No one else can tell you how it is you feel or how it is you should express yourself. That is the beauty of poetry! Now go explore your endless expressions.

Source by Ashley Haili

Need Help Writing Your First Poem?

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