Wednesday, February 1

The Quickest Way to Make Money - Earning $5000 Dollars a Day

Humans have a natural, inbred desire to hunt and gather. We are just built that way and 100 million years of evolution created the way we are. In today’s civilized society, money has become the representational value of our hunt and gather lust.

Consumerism itself is just a modern day version of hunting down a Sabertooth tiger and proudly presenting its skin on the cave walls or home so all who come can see how well you hunt. Gathering or collecting, especially money, appeals to our sense of security and power.

The quickest way to make money is to gather it, that would equate to saving it. But the even quicker way to make money is to have it tumble in all by itself, on auto pilot. This is a new phenomenon and is an extension of our wish to gather what we value in abundance.

In the 1500’s banking was invented and the idea of interest and compound interest was created to satisfy one of the humans most basic urges. To gather what we value without having to constantly go out and get it. This is what interest and compound interest is. Even the bible talks about compound interest (I believe) when it states, “to he who has much even more will be given unto him, while he who has little will lose even the little he has”

Earning $5000 dollars a day is a simple matter if you are prepared to do the work. If your mind is stuck in the wage slave mentality, you may find it hard to imagine how this sort of wealth could be achieved. However, if you understand how time leverage works and can develop a system or a concept that can make you even a few dollars a day without you having to go out and gather it every day, but instead it comes to you on it’s own, then in that creative act you have the seed to manufacture a $5000 dollar a day income.

Source by Terry Hart

The Quickest Way to Make Money - Earning $5000 Dollars a Day

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